An obligate halophile fungal was isolated from 275 m deep marine sediments and is characterized here for the first time. Its optimal growth was at 15% NaCl even though it was able to grow at 25% and is incapable of growth with no NaCl. Based on its morphological characteristics as conidia chain production in a single phialide, the fungal is related to the genus Aspergillus, subgenus Polypaecilum. Phylogenetic molecular analysis using several markers (ITS1–2; RPB1; RPB2; Cct8; TSR1; CaM; BenA) places the fungal isolate closer to Aspergillus salinarus and A. baarnensis. However, its morphological and molecular differences establish it as a new species, Aspergillus loretoensis sp. nov.

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We thank Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología for their support with the Ph.D. scholarship. We are grateful to Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y de Educación Superior de Ensenada to allow us to use their facilities.
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González-Martínez, S., Galindo-Sánchez, C., López-Landavery, E. et al. Aspergillus loretoensis, a single isolate from marine sediment of Loreto Bay, Baja California Sur, México resulting as a new obligate halophile species. Extremophiles 23, 557–568 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00792-019-01107-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00792-019-01107-6