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Arcane Whirlwind
Wizard Attack 1

Area burst 2 within 10

Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex

Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage, and slide the target 1 square.

Effect: The burst creates a zone of rushing winds that lasts until the end of your next turn. As a minor action, you can slide one creature within the zone 2 squares. As a move action, you can move the zone 6 squares.

Sustain minor: The zone persists, and you can slide one creature within the zone 2 squares.

Arcane Whirlwind is a 1st-level Wizard daily attack power, designed to force movement of targets within an area.

It is rated as a poor power, as it is a bit too cumbersome due to requiring a large number of subsequent actions. However, it has some synergy with Agile Opportunist, but might not be worth the number of actions required.


  • The wizard schools article added the Evocation keyword.