Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Ice Age Part 2 Update has arrived! ✨
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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
Remy All right. I've gathered up as many local ingredients as I can without stealing... time to get cooking!
Remy I'll concentrate on the starter first. I had this idea for a guinea-fowl terrine, but it'll need some refining...


Character Activity Time Rewards
Level 2
Send Remy to experiment in the Kitchen.[1]
"Experiment in the Kitchen"
2h Experience30, Magic250
Character Dialogue
Remy Yeah... Yeah! Just like I thought: The fig jam really ties the whole dish together.
Remy Probably gonna need something lighter for the entrée, though... Maybe go full vegetarian? I'm just not sure...
Remy This is... heh... This is probably when I admit that I've been putting off coming up with a new entrée.
Remy And I'm NOT just making ratatouille again! The whole point is to get outside my comfort zone, here!

