Disney Tsum Tsum Wiki
Disney Tsum Tsum Wiki

Dr. Facilier is a Premium Box Tsum Tsum. He is a Limited Event Tsum Tsum and is not available from purchasing Premium Boxes outside of the event. He was first introduced during the Japan Event Villains Written Challenge (April 2019) and the International Event Villains' Challenge (August 2019).


Dr. Facilier will start Fever Time and clear a V-line of Tsum Tsum. His base Skill range is SS/XS.


Before activating Dr. Facilier's Skill, wait for the Tsum Tsum to settle. If not, the Tsum Tsum might freeze in midair and leave gaps.

Skill Level[]

Skill Level Skill Range (JP) Skill Range (Intl.) Skill Upgrade
1 SS XS 1
2 S S 1
3 M M 2
4 L L 4
5 LL XL 7
6 3L XXL 14

