Disney Tsum Tsum Wiki
Disney Tsum Tsum Wiki

Cat Hat Minnie is a Premium Box Tsum Tsum. She is a Limited Time Event Tsum Tsum and is not obtainable through purchasing Premium Boxes outside of the event. She was first introduced during the Japan Event Halloween 2015 (October 2015) and the International Event Halloween 2016 (October 2016).


Cat Hat Minnie transforms random Tsum Tsum into Horn Hat Mickey Tsum Tsum. They will count as Cat Hat Minnie and can be chained together. Her base number of changes is 10.


Even though Cat Hat Minnie does not have any hair on her face, she still counts as a beard Tsum Tsum due to the whiskers on the face of her cat hat.

Skill Level[]

Skill Level Changes Skill Upgrade
1 10 1
2 12 1
3 14 2
4 15 4
5 16 7
6 17 20


Lucky Times[]

Japanese version[]

