Sultan Pasta Al-Dente is a recurring character in the Disney animated series Aladdin. He is the ruler of the land of Getzistan, known throughout the Seven Deserts for their casinos.
Role in the series[]
Sultan Pasta Al-Dente first appears in "Never Say Nefir", where he meets Aladdin and his friends in Getzistan. He shows them that the city was destroyed by Samir the "Destroyer" and Nefir and his imps have to keep rebuilding it.
Aladdin gives Al-Dente an idea of getting rid of Samir and the sultan of Getzistan makes him and his friends get rid of him. At night, Aladdin and the others see that Samir destroys Getzistan by dancing.
Later, after Genie and Samir take off the dancing shoes Nefir put on them to destroy Getzistan, Al-Dente thanks everyone and shows them that Nefir and his imps are doing a "floor show".
In "The Seven Faces of Genie", Aladdin, his friends, and the Sultan of Agrabah visit Getzistan. After Genie's incident, the next day, Al-Dente is no longer welcoming them, but then he changes his mind after the Sultan of Agrabah tells him about the incident.
While Genie tries to remember his speech, Al-Dente walks up to him to let him know about a ceremony being at a main hall at 12:00.
After Abis Mal throws an orb at Genie and the Sultan of Agrabah, there's a cloud of smoke and the Sultan is about to tell Al-Dente. But instead, he ends up showing Al-Dente that two of Genie's personalities knocked down a statue. Al-Dente leaves angrily after meeting Genie's Anger.
He later decides to give Genie another chance but he then runs into Genie's Weirdness and Genie's Anger, who grabs him, ties him up in chains, and gives him to Genie's Fear.
Genie's Fear brings Al-Dente to Abis Mal and Haroud. Abis Mal steals his turban so he can be Sultan of Getzistan.
Aladdin, the Sultan, and Al-Dente tell the genies that they want the old Genie back.
In "Egg-stra Protection", Aladdin and his friends go to Getzistan to return an egg stolen by Abis Mal and Haroud to the mother gryphon. While everybody else is gone, Iago stays with Al-Dente to play Wheel of Fortune.
Later, the gryphon goes to a casino where Iago and Al-Dente are playing a game. When Pasta sees the gryphon, the Sultan of Getzistan runs off.
After the gang retrieves the egg to the gryphon, Al-Dente thanks them and introduces Abis Mal and Haroud in a cage as a new attraction.
- His name is a wordplay for Italian recipes: Pasta and Al Dente.