Devil May Cry Wiki

The Void, simply named "VOID" in the Japanese version, is the name of a special dimension[1] in Devil May Cry 5, used as a tool for training by players. It is similar to the "Training" mode found in DmC: Devil May Cry, though it includes new features such as an enemy selection option and enemy settings.

The Void was officially announced during the Xbox X018: Mexico Event on November 11, 2018, prior to this it was shown in various game conventions but never publicly explained.


The difficulty mode can be changed in The Void - which changes enemy behavior and player damage. In order to change the difficulty, select any story mission on the desired mode, then reload The Void.

Player Settings[]

Name Options In-game Description
Recover Devil Trigger Gauge OFF/ON "ON" makes the Devil Trigger Gauge recover slowly over time. Devil Trigger will not deactivate even if the gauge runs out. "OFF" disables this effect.
Recover Exceed OFF/Automatic/Unlimited "Automatic" makes Exceed restore to maximum automatically over time. "Unlimited" makes Exceed stay full at all times. "OFF" disables these effects.
Recover Reload Charge OFF/Automatic/Unlimited "Automatic" fully charges the Reload move automatically over time. "Unlimited" maintains full charge at all times. "OFF" disables these effects.
Unlimited Devil Breakers


"ON" prevents equipped Devil Breakers from being destroyed when they take damage (does not apply to Break Away), "OFF" disables this effect.
Switch Devil Breaker Magazine MAGAZINE/MAGAZINE 01/MAGAZINE 02/MAGAZINE 03 Swap between Devil Breaker magazines configured on the Customize screen.
Name Options In-game Description
Recover Devil Trigger Gauge OFF/ON "ON" makes the Devil Trigger Gauge recover slowly over time. Devil Trigger will not deactivate even if the gauge runs out. "OFF" disables this effect.
Recover Royal Guard Gauge OFF/Automatic/Unlimited "Automatic" makes the Royal Guard Gauge recover slowly over time. "Unlimited" makes the gauge stay full at all times. "OFF" disables this effect.
Recover Sin Devil Trigger Gauge OFF/Automatic/Unlimited "Automatic" makes the Sin Devil Trigger Gauge recover slowly over time. "Unlimited" makes the gauge stay full at all times. "OFF" disables this effect.
Name Options In-game Description
Recover Devil Trigger Gauge OFF/ON "ON" makes the Devil Trigger Gauge restore slowly over time. "OFF" disables this effect.
Devil Trigger Time Extension OFF/ON "ON" reduces consumption of the Devil Trigger Gauge, allowing your demons to attack autonomously for longer during Devil Trigger. "OFF" disables this effect.
Name Options In-game Description
Recover Devil Trigger Gauge OFF/ON "ON" makes the Devil Trigger Gauge recover slowly over time and devil clones will not disappear even if the gauge runs out. "OFF" disables this effect.
Lock Concentration Gauge OFF/Level 0/Level 1/Level 2 Selecting a level will set the concentration gauge to that level, preventing it from decreasing. "OFF" disables this effect.
Recover Sin Devil Trigger Gauge OFF/Automatic/Unlimited "Automatic" makes the Sin Devil Trigger Gauge recover slowly over time. "Unlimited" makes the gauge stay full at all times. "OFF" disables this effect.

Enemy Settings[]

Name Options In-game Description
Enemy Action OFF/ON Select "ON" to make enemies attack.
Enemy Damage OFF/ON Select "ON" for enemies to take damage.

Enemy Selection[]

Bosses cannot be selected in The Void, and only one enemy at a time will be spawned.




  1. ↑ CAPCOM: Devil May Cry 5 Official Site - "Polish your demon-slaying skills in this special pocket dimension."