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Devil May Cry 4 [ ]
Nero : I've never seen you before.Gloria : (giggling ) I'm new. — Nero meeting Gloria for the first time, Devil May Cry 4
"From that day forth... my arm changed... and a voice echoed, "Power. Give me more power!" And if I become a demon, so be it. I will endure the exile. Anything to protect her ."
―Nero after his Devil Trigger activates for the first time[src]
"You know God, I always hated that you made my arm like this... But now with it, I can destroy this thing. Who would've thought... "
"Now I know... this hand was made for sending guys like you back to hell! And... now... you... DIE!!!"
―Nero finishing off Sanctus/The False Savior[src]
Battle Quotes [ ]
Go down!
Slam dunk!
Begone! - After using Streak
Blast! -After using Streak
Is that all you got?
Down to hell you go!
Catch this!
Get lost!
Come on! - provocation
What you say? -provocation
Shall we dance? -provocation
Bye-bye! -provocation
Hey, hey, hey!
Is that all you got? Down to hell you go!
Oh, Credo...
Pray for your own savior, cause you're gonna need it.
You're the demon. Not me!
Not interested in your bullshit!
Jackpot! -
Devil May Cry 5 [ ]
"Without strength, you can't protect anything.... I know that."
―Nero, unknowingly repeating what his father once said[src]
Battle Quotes [ ]
My ears are killing me! -After using Buster on Malphas
Blast! -After using Streak
Slam dunk!
Off you go!
Ready to die?
Kiss it goodbye! - using the Break Age of the Punch Line
Hell yeah!
Lock & loaded! - After activating Tomboy
I'm not... done.
How's this?
Hey asshole!
Fly baby! After using the Overture
Round two!
My legs are gonna cramp up...
Hey, hey, hey!
Come to papa!
Want it? All yours! After using the Break Age of the Overture
Thought you had this didn't ya?
Sorry Nico! After using Break Away
How do you like this?
Try this on for size!
Let's get airborne! -air taunt
Let's go for a walk, little chicky! -after using the Break Age of the Rawhide
Not so fast! - after using the Break Age of Rawhide
All yours!
Wreck it up!
Still workin'.
Saw that comin'.
Ugh, shit yeah! Ha-ha! SSS-rank Provocation
Power... my power! - After activating Devil Trigger
Now you die! -while executing a Buster on a Hell Caina
Here comes another! - after using Break Away
Easy wipe!
You ever tried breath mints?! -After executing a Buster on Goliath
Got a little somethin' for ya. -using the ground-based Break Age of Gerbera
Give it, to me, baby!
Crush it!
Ugh... screwed now!
I'm the one.. WITH POWER! -using Nero's Bloody Palace Provocation
To the moon!
Jackpot! -after executing a buster on Vergil while mid-swoop for the second time, or using a buster on Vergil while his doppelganger is alive.
Why don't you DIE?!
You're all fucked now!
Not so fast!
Right there! -using Payline
Oh relax.
I'm goin' FULL OUT!
All yours!
Special delivery!
How's this?
Guess who's gettin' their ass kicked!? - lock-on taunt at S rank or higher
Let's see which one wants to play? - lock-on taunt below S rank
Watch this! -using Devil Trigger
Out of the way! -Using High Time
In your face!
Down boy!
Just my... luck. -after dying
Kyrie... -after dying
Shall we dance? -provocation
Don't fuck with me! - activating Devil Trigger
Get in there! -activating Punch Line
Chill out you blockhead! -after parrying Goliath
Take your time! -using the Break Age of Ragtime
Let's tango! -while using buster on Goliath
Too bad.
Get out of my sight! -using High Time
Screw you!
Oh hell no! Here! Now it's your turn! -using a buster on Vergil
Gouge it out!
Go home already. -using Calibur
I'm gonna take this hand and shove it up your ass!
That felt good. -after using Red Queen Combo B
Yeah, I'll play with ya. -provocation
Ready to die?
It's party time!
You won't remember your name WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU!!!
Don't got all day!
Shit yeah!
Down you go!
Knock out!
Looks like you need a little trim here!
Pack it up freakshow! -using a buster on Artemis
You dropped this!
Mine now! (Also when he uses a skill in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 )
"Yeah... okay, V... you're an interesting guy but you're right. I've got a score to settle with that son of a bitch."
"Well... Looks like this won't be a total waste of time after all. Hey, jackass! Didn't your mother ever teach you that's it's not nice to steal? Sorry, Dante... I'm baggin' this bitch!"
―Nero about to face Urizen[src]
"Oh, I get it... who brought the marshmallows? 'Cause I'm bringin' the fire."
―Nero taking out Red Queen[src]
"King? You? I don't know. I mean, you're a big guy and all, but you seem more like a knuckle-scrapping fart in the wind than anything else. No offense."
―Nero teasing Goliath[src]
"What? No chit-chat or monologue? Just getting right to the point, huh?"
―Nero facing Artemis[src]
"Kyrie would kill me right now..."
―Nero feeling he's in big trouble if Kyrie found out about the situation he's in with Lady[src]
"Best thing about humans is that we never give up. Just watch, I'll beat it into your head!"
―Nero in Mission 8 upon shattering Urizen's shield [src]
"I couldn't protect Credo. To this day, I hate myself for not having enough strength. But this time is different. I swear! I'm not letting you die!"
―Nero, as he goes to stop the fight between Vergil and Dante[src]
"You listen, dead weight. I won't let you kill each other. There are other ways of settling your differences. I'm putting a stop to this sibling rivalry."
―Nero stopping the twins' quarrel[src]
"FUCK YOU!!!!"
―Nero, as he unleashes his Devil Trigger against Vergil[src]
"You feeling accepting yet?"
―Nero questioning Vergil during their fight in Mission 20
"Both, you fuckin' asshole!"
―Nero responding to Vergil's question
"So...devils cry, huh? Let's hear what that SOUNDS LIKE!!"
―Nero starts to wipe out the remaining devils[src]