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The Power Squad (Originally known as the Spirit Squad) is Degrassi Community School's cheerleading team, which was founded by Paige Michalchuk in 2001 during her eighth grade year. She was the captain until she graduated in 2006. She was followed by Darcy Edwards, with Manny Santos as choreographer and co-captain, until Darcy quit the squad and was replaced by Manny.

After Manny graduated, Holly J. Sinclair took over, and renamed it as the "Power Squad". Holly J. later got taken off Power Squad for talking about Mia Jones' personal sex life on the news. Mia became captain shortly after, until she left for France in Season 9 and Trish became captain. In Season 10, Chantay Black became the new Power Squad Captain. In January 2011, Principal Simpson cancelled Power Squad due to concerns over the incident during Vegas Night, which prompted protest by some Power Squad members and members from other cancelled clubs. After Principal Simpson came to an agreement with Chantay, the Power Squad was allowed to resume its activities. The newest captain was Marisol Lewis (up until her graduation). In season 14, a rival cheer club, Power Cheer, was created by Becky Baker.

Power Squad had not been shown from season 14 to Degrassi: Next Class season 3, until returning in #GetYouAManThatCanDoBoth to help Tiny Bell ask Shay Powers to prom.

In the Degrassi webisode Unstoppable, many of the Power Squad members become sick, so Chantay and Anya had to find people to fill in for them at the Ultimate Cheer Battle. They recruit Fiona, Clare, Bianca, and Holly J. At first, they have a tough time getting along, but eventually they pull through and probably win the competition, although the results are not announced.

Current Members[]

Former Members[]


  • Chantay was the longest serving member of the squad.
  • Paige was the longest to be Captain.
  • Darcy had the shortest time as Spirit Squad Captain.
  • Hazel was the longest Co-Captain.
  • Manny had the most positions on the squad.
  • J.T. was longest running Mascot and male member.
  • Tori and Frankie are the only main members to never serve as member on the squad along side Chantay.
  • Members of the Power Squad often had conflicts with each other. Paige had conflicts with Manny and Darcy; Manny and Darcy had conflicts with Paige and Holly J.; Darcy, Mia, and Holly J. all had conflicts with each other; and Jenna had a conflict with Marisol.
  • Paige and Holly J. were the only members to have similarities with each other.
  • Darcy didn't want Mia Jones to join the Power Squad because she was a teen mom, which was against Darcy's religious beliefs.
  • Alli wanted to join the Power Squad in season 10, and wore Darcy's old uniform to practice in an attempt to win "points" with Chantay. However, she didn't know the routine and Chantay didn't accept her to the team. 
  • The captain made members wear the mascot suit has been a form of "punishment" since season 4, though there are only two confirmed instances.
    • Paige made Manny wear the mascot suit after she felt she was being undermined as captain.
    • Marisol made Tori wear the mascot suit when she was late to practice after promising she would be punctual.
  • Some of the Power Squad members were Queen Bees during their time.
  • The squad was originally named, Spirit Squad, but Holly J. changed it to Power Squad.
  • Manny and Holly J. were kicked off the squad due to their actions.

