The friendship between Adam Torres and Jenna Middleton, known as Jendam (Jenna/Adam) or Adenna (Adam/Jenna) began through mutual friends Dave Turner and Alli Bhandari in Season 11 of Degrassi during their sophomore year.
Friendship History[]
Season 10[]
In You Don't Know My Name (2), Adam tells Alli to meet Jenna in the photo booth when it is really Drew Torres.
Season 11[]
In Drop It Like It's Hot (1), Adam eats lunch and plays poker with Alli and Jenna. He reveals to them that he was the one who gave Dave the idea that Alli wanted to have sex. The girls then yell at Adam for being so clueless. After Alli wins the game of poker they were playing, Adam and Jenna agree to help her hold an illegal tournament behind Mr. Simpson's back during the rest of lunch so she can save up for basketball tickets to make it up to Dave.
Season 12[]
In Come As You Are (1), Adam and Jenna walk into school with Drew, Alli, Clare Edwards, and Dave. Adam mentions his scar from being shot and asks if any of them want to see it again and they all walk away annoyed. He is then seen behind Dave, Alli, Clare, and Jenna during Simpson's assembly about no more uniforms. Later, Jenna attends Adam's party with Alli and Clare.
In Never Ever (2), Jenna tellsBecky Baker that she played poker with Adam once, and that Adam is transgender, after assuming that Becky already knew.
In Scream (1), after Becky and Adam continue to clash, and after Becky continually keeps calling Adam female, Jenna tells Becky that Adam is not gay. She sticks up for him, stating that Adam is male and transgender, which is different from being gay.
In Building A Mystery (2), Jenna and Adam help Becky prepare to tell her parents that Adam is transgender.
Season 13[]
In Honey, Clare texts Alli and Jenna, informing them that Adam is injured in the hospital.
In Young Forever, Jenna leaves Adam's funeral and questions if she should go to the reception because she didn't know Adam that well.
- Jenna is good friends with Adam's ex-girlfriend, Becky Baker.
- Adam was formerly in a relationship with Jenna's good friend, Becky Baker. While Jenna is currently in a relationship with Adam's good friend Connor DeLaurier.
- They are/were both friends/on good terms with Clare Edwards, Alli Bhandari, K.C. Guthrie, Becky Baker, Dave Turner, Connor DeLaurier and Eli Goldsworthy.
- Adam and Jenna both knew/know how to play poker.
- They are/were both musicians. Adam was in WhisperHug and Jenna is a singer.
- They both have kissed one of the Baker twins. Though only Adam dated Becky.
- Jenna attended Adam's funeral.