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Dead Rising Wiki
 Dead Rising 2 Dead Rising 3 Dead Rising 4 

The leaf rake is a weapon in Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.

It can be combined with a battery to make the Electric Rake. Its durability can be increased with the Domestic magazine.


  • Main: Tap X button/Square button to swing the leaf rake from right to left downwards.

  • Combo: Quickly tap X button/Square button again to swing the rake from left to right in a parallel motion.


Case Zero[]

Dead Rising 2[]

Weapon Animations
Animation name Animation shared with
  1. Leaf Rake
  2. Paddle
  1. Leaf Rake
  2. Paddle


v · e · d
2" x 4" - Acetylene Tank - Acoustic Guitar - Ad Board - Amplifier - ATM - Barstool - Baseball Bat - Basketwork Couch - Battleaxe - Bass Guitar - Battery - Bench - Bingo Ball Cage - Black Vase - Bowie Knife - Bowling Ball - Bowling Pin - Boxing Gloves - Brick - Broadsword - Broom Handle - Bucket - Bull Skull - Cactus Plant - Cardboard Box - Cardboard Cutout - Cash Register - Cement Saw - Centurion Bust - Chainsaw - Chef Knife - Coffee Pot - Comedy Trophy - Computer Case - Construction Hat - Cooking Oil - Cooking Pot - Croupier Stick - Crowbar - Cushioned Tall Chair - Donkey Lamp - Drill Motor - Drum - Dumbbell - Electric Guitar - Fancy Bench - Fancy Painting - Fancy Small Chair - Fancy Tall Chair - Fire Axe - Fire Extinguisher - Flashlight - Flower Pot - Foam Hand - Folding Chair - Fountain Firework - Funny Painting - Garbage Bag - Garbage Can - Gas Barrel - Gas Can - Gasoline Canister - Generator - Giant Die - Giant Pink Chainsaw - Giant Stuffed Bull - Giant Stuffed Donkey - Giant Stuffed Elephant - Giant Stuffed Rabbit - Gift Shop Lamp - Gumball Machine - Handbag - Hanger - Highback Oak Chair - Hockey Stick - Hoe - Hunk of Meat - Indoor Garbage Can - Katana Sword - Keg - Keyboard - Lamp - Lance - Large Barrel - Large Fern Tree - Large Planter - Large Potted Plant - Large Vase - Large Wrench - Lawn Mower - LCD Monitor - Lead Pipe - Leaf Rake - Liberty Torch - Long Stick - Machete - Magician Sword - Mailbox - Mannequin Female (Head - Torso - Right Arm - Left Arm - Right Leg - Left Leg) - Mannequin Male (Head - Torso - Right Arm - Left Arm - Right Leg - Left Leg) - Massager - Meat Cleaver - Medicine Ball - Metal Barricade - Metal Garbage Can - Mic Stand - Military Case - Mining Pick - MMA Gloves - Money Case - Moosehead - Motor Oil - Newspaper - Newspaper Box - Nightstick - Novelty Beer Mug - Novelty Cell Phone - Novelty Liquor Bottle - Novelty Perfume Bottle - Novelty Poker Chip - Padded Blue Chair - Paddle - Paint Can - Painting - Pallet - Pan - Parasol - Patio Chair - Patio Table - Peace Art - Pitchfork - Plastic Bin - Plastic Garbage Can - Plywood - Power Drill - Propane Tank - Protestor Sign - Push Broom - Pylon - Robot Bear - Rotating Display - Roulette Wheel - Round Potted Plant - Sandwich Board - Scissors - Serving Tray - Shopping Boxes - Shopping Valuables - Shower Head - Sledge Hammer - Small Fern Tree - Small Painting - Small Potted Plant - Small Suitcase - Small Vase - Speaker - Spear - Spool of Wire - Spot Light - Square Sign - Stand - Steel Barricade - Steel Shelving - Step Ladder - Stick Pony - Stone Statue - Stool - Suitcase - Swordfish - Table Lamp - Tiki Mask - Tiki Torch - TIR Moosehead - Tire - Tomahawk - Training Sword - Treasure Chest - Vacuum Cleaner - Velvet Bar - Wacky Hammer - Water Bottle - Water Cooler - Wheel Barrow - Yellow Tall Chair
Assault Rifle - Blast Frequency Gun - Bow and Arrow - Handgun - Light Machine Gun - Merc Assault Rifle - Rocket Launcher - Six Shooter - Shotgun - Sniper Rifle - Toy Spitball Gun - Water Gun
Bag of Marbles - Basketball - Beach Ball - Box of Nails - Casino Chips - Dynamite - Firecrackers - Flare - Football - Gems - Golf Club - Grenade - Ketchup - Lawn Dart - Leaf Blower - Mayonnaise - Metal Baseball Bat - Music Discs - Mustard - Nine Iron - Plates - Playing Cards - Queen - Rocket Fireworks - Saw Blade - Shampoo - Soccer Ball - Spray Paint (Blue - Green - Purple - Red - USA) - Tennis Racquet - Vinyl Records - Whipped Cream
Goblin Mask - Lizard Mask - Servbot Mask - Toy Helicopter - Zombie Mask
4x4 - Chopper - Dirtbike - Dolly - Drink Cart - Kid's Bike - Mercenary Bike - Ramster Ball - Sports Car - Skateboard - SUV - Utility Cart - Wheelchair
Combo Bikes
Bazooka Bike - Blue Thunder - Great American - Green Machine - Machine Gun Bike - Purple Punisher - Rabbit Bike - Red Rocket - Slicecycle - Wheelchair Bike
Combo Weapons
Air Horn - Auger - Beer Hat - Blambow - Blazing Aces - Blitzkrieg - Boomstick - Burning Skull - Defiler - Drill Bucket - Driller - Dynameat - Electric Rake - Electric Chair - Exsanguinator - Fire Spitter - Flamethrower - Flaming Gloves - Fountain Lizard - Freedom Bear - Freezer Bomb - Gem Blower - Hacker - Hail Mary - Handy Chipper - Heliblade - Holy Arms - I.E.D. - Infernal Arms - Knife Gloves - Laser Sword - Molotov - Paddlesaw - Plate Launcher - Parablower - Pole Weapon - Porta Mower - Power Guitar - Ripper - Roaring Thunder - Rocket Launcher - Snowball Cannon - Spear Launcher - Spiked Bat - Sticky Bomb - Super B.F.G. - Super Slicer - Tenderizers - Tesla Ball - Wingman
Case Zero
Bike Forks - Engine - Handle Bars - Wheel
Case Zero Vehicles
Case West
Bone Saw - Box of Syringes - Canned Drinks - Chemicals - Flash Grenade - Hot Plate - Human Heart - Human Liver - Impact Hammer - IV Pole - Lab Specimen - Medical Cart - Microscope - Novelty Syringe - Office Chair - Organ Cooler - Plastic Chair - Riot Gear - Security AR - Stool - Stretcher - Surgical Saw - Surgical Scissors - Syringe Gun
Case West/Off the Record
Broken Pool Cue - Cinder Block - Crate - Defibrillator - Electric Prod - Floor Buffer - Katana - Liquid Nitrogen - Medical Tray - Pool Ball - Pool Cue - Shovel - Sickle
Case West Vehicles
Phenotrans Segway
Case West Combo Weapons
Impact Blaster - Laser Gun - Lightning Gun - Reaper - Shocker - Sterilizer - Zap N' Shine
Off the Record
Alien Head - Alien Probe - Boomerang - Casino Chair - Escape Pod - Giant Spaceship Toy - Grass Trimmer - Protoman Blaster and Shield - Ray Gun - Remote Mine - Slappy Mask - Space Bench - Space Hammer - Spaceball Bat - Stilts Snowball Cannon - Tennis Ball Launcher - Toy Rocket Ship
Off the Record Vehicles
Clown Car
Off the Record Combo Weapons
Bouncing Beauty - Cryo Pod - Decapitator - Electric Crusher - Laser Eyes - Molten Cannon - Pegasus - Saw Launcher - Super Massager - Weed Tendonizer