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Dead rising Crislip's Home Saloon PANORAMA
"We stock everything from everyday hand tools to specialized large scale tools for those tough jobs."
—Willamette Parkview Mall Map

Crislip's Home Saloon is a location in Dead Rising.

It is a hardware store in the North Plaza. It is one of two major stores in the North Plaza and one of only two hardware stores in the Willamette Parkview Mall.

In the early morning of the second day, the store is taken over by Cliff Hudson during the scoop The Hatchet Man. Frank West can defeat him and save Barbara Patterson, Josh Manning and Rich Atkins.

In Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop, the store is shuttered off. The only time Frank is in the store is during the Odd Job missions A Very Special Forces Cult and Crawling Terror, or in Overtime after the military is out of the mall.


PP Stickers[]

Crislip's Home Saloon Sign PP Sticker
On the main sign outside the store on the letter "H".
Crislip's Home Saloon PP Sticker 2
On the "Supporting Your Lifestyle" sign behind the store's counter.
Crislip's Home Saloon PP Sticker 3
On the "Gardening as a Pastime" sign near the gardening supplies.


  • The store is most likely named after David Crislip, a Capcom staff member who was a game content consultant and lead translator.
  • Zombies cannot climb over the counter or the railing, although they often jab Frank across the railing. This gives Frank a great opportunity to take close up pictures of the zombies.
  • There is a poster advertisement in In The Closet for David Crislip at the Python Countdown Live, December 31, '06.
  • Crislip's is going out of business during the time prior to the zombie outbreak, selling all their inventory at 20%. This is also the case at McHandy's Hardware, meaning that both hardware stores in the mall were going out of business.
  • You get Prestige Points for taking pictures of the dead zombies that Cliff hung from the ceiling, but they are easily missed as they will only appear during The Hatchet Man.
  • Crislip's holds more weapons than any other store in the game.


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Main Settings
Willamette - Willamette Parkview Mall
Al Fresca Plaza - Entrance Plaza - North Plaza - Paradise Plaza - Wonderland Plaza
Bachman's Bookporium - Beautification - Brand New U - Cam's Camera - Cantonbury's - Casual Gals - CD Crazy - Central Tacos - Child's Play - Children's Castle - Chris' Fine Foods - Colby's Movieland - Colombian Roastmasters (Al Fresca - Paradise) - Contemporary Reading - Contemporary Purses - Crislip's Home Saloon - The Dark Bean - The Distinguished Gentleman - Emerald's - Entertainment Isle - Estelle's Fine-lady Cosmetics (Entrance - Wonderland) - Everyone Luvs Books - Eyes Like Us - Fanfare Fashion - Fashion Fiesta - Fine Cut - Flexin' - Frozen Dreams - Gramma's Kids - Gromin's - Hamburger Fiefdom - Homerunner's - Huntin' Shack - In The Closet - J.F. Nichols - Jade Paradise - Jamming Juvenile - Jason Wayne's Sporting Goods - Jill's Sandwiches - Josh's Jewels - Kathy's Boutique - Kicks for Her - Kid's Choice Clothing - Kokonutz Sports Town - Ladies' Space - Lady About Town - Lovely Fashion House - Marriage Makers - McHandy's Hardware - Meaty's Burgers - Men's Storehouse - Modern Businessman (Entrance - Wonderland) - Ned's Knicknackery - Outta Sight - Pearly White's Photo - Philo's Photos - Players - Rafael's Shoes - Refined Class - Ripper's Blades - Riverfield Jewelry - Robsaka Digital - Run Like the Wind - Scuffs & Scrapes - Seon's Food & Stuff - The Shoehorn - Shoekin's - Shoes of a Lifetime - Shootingstar Sporting Goods - The Lens Zen - The Sinister Read - Sir Book-a-lot - Small Fry Duds - Space - Special Gifts - SporTrance - Sports High - Springtree Jewels - Teresa's Oven - That's A Spicy Meatball! - Tucci's of Rome - TuneMakers - Tyke n' Tots - Universe of Optics - Wallington's - Weber's Garments - Women's Lib - Wonder Jewels - Ye Olde Toybox
Carlito's Hideout - Clocktower Tunnels - Construction Site - Cultists' Hideout - C.W. Factory - Food Court - Heliport - Leisure Park - Maintenance Tunnels - Meat Processing Area - Play Park - Restrooms - Rooftop - Security Room - Sycamore Street - Tornado Gas Station - Warehouse