DC Animated Universe
DC Animated Universe

"Stanton Vreeland was a playboy sportsman who'd blow away anything that wandered into his gunsight. He had to preserve animals, or he'd have nothing left to shoot."
— Selina Kyle

Stanton Vreeland was a famous hunter and wildlife conservationist.


Stanton Vreeland was described as a "playboy sportsman" who was very famous in Gotham City. He became a famous hunter and a wildlife conservationist.[1]

At some point of his life, Stanton had a son with an unnamed woman. His son eventually became a general in the US Army.[2] His son also gave him a granddaughter, named Veronica Vreeland.[1]


Years later after Stanton's passing, his granddaughter, Veronica dedicated a hall of the new museum to him. But this didn't sit well with Selina Kyle, who had voiced her discontent over the elder Vreeland's life of hunting animals rather than preserving them.[1]

Posthumously, Stanton became the great-grandfather of Bunny Vreeland, Veronica's daughter with an unnamed man, who became an actress by the 21th century.[3]


Batman: The Animated Series


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Dini, Paul (writer) & Kirkland, Boyd (director) & September 13, 1995). "Catwalk". Batman: The Animated Series. Season 4. Episode 3 (airdate). Episode 74 (production). FOX Kids.
  2. ↑ Dini, Paul (writer) & Altieri, Kevin (director) (October 15, 1994). "Harley's Holiday". The Adventures of Batman & Robin. Season 3. Episode 6 (airdate). Episode 81 (production). FOX Kids.
  3. ↑ Burnett, Alan, Dini, Paul (writers) & Geda, Curt (director) (January 10, 1999). "Rebirth, Part I". Batman Beyond. Season 1. Episode 1 (airdate). Episode 1 (production). Kids WB!.