DC Animated Universe
DC Animated Universe
Poison Oaky Hey, aren't you that plant lady, Poison Oaky?

The title of this article is conjectural.
This subject has no canonical name in the DCAU. Please see the reasons in the section below.

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Not to be confused with Ventriloquist.

The Dummy was a supervillain who joined the Legion of Doom.


The Dummy only appeared in several meetings. He was present when Lex Luthor took control from Grodd and when Luthor's mind was switched with Flash's. The Dummy's ultimate fate is not known.

Background information[]

The depicted subject bears the likeness of Dummy from the DC Comics; however, the DCAU character was never named on-screen, or otherwise. The title of this article is conjecture based on the character's likeness. The Dummy was the archenemy of the Golden Age Vigilante. He pretended to be a puppet through which the "real" leader communicated to his minions.


Justice League Unlimited
