DC Database

"Rogues Reloaded, Part One": Once upon a time there was a thief with a funny weapon. Then another, and another. They all lived in Central City and fought the Flash. And then one day, the realised that they could work together and be more successful. They called themselves the Rogues... and for a

Quote1 Okay... he took the bait... Quote2
— Captain Cold

The Flash (Volume 5) #14 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 5) with a cover date of March, 2017. It was published on January 11, 2017.

Synopsis for "Rogues Reloaded, Part One"

Once upon a time there was a thief with a funny weapon. Then another, and another. They all lived in Central City and fought the Flash. And then one day, the realised that they could work together and be more successful. They called themselves the Rogues... and for a month, they've been missing.

This bothers the Flash, partly because their place in Central City's criminal landscape is being sought by exhausting new gangs with costumes and strange weapons, but also because the Rogues were respectable, with work ethics and a no-kill policy, and he worries for them. Gregory Wolfe, the draconian warden of the Iron Heights prison, relishes the thought of locking them up, but Flash points out that the Rogues received a pardon for their fight against Grodd during the Crime Syndicate invasion.

Later that day, Flash, in his civilian identity, goes to a movie marathon with his girlfriend, Iris West, and her nephew, Wally, who is secretly Kid Flash. Wally is glad to be included, but even gladder that the relationship gives him free time - he has been researching how to parole his father, Daniel West, the Reverse-Flash.

Iris tells Barry that there is no news on the Flash, which leads him to investigate as the Flash. He invades the business of Paul Gambi, who designed the Rogues' costumes, but gets nowhere. Switching tack, he digs further while in his civilian identity. An ex-girlfriend of Mirror Master directs him to a support group for the Rogues' victims, where Hartley Rathaway, a former Rogue himself, tells him where to go to dig somewhere deeper.

Barry meets the woman who first taught Lisa Snart - Golden Glider - how to ice-skate. She tells him that the Snart siblings have a co-dependent relationship, a legacy of their drunken and abusive father. She also tells him that their grandfather used to let them ride along while he delivered ice in his ice truck, and that this was one of Lisa's few happy childhood memories.

On a hunch, Barry tracks down the site of the grandfather's employer, and finds an abandoned industrial site... converted to a multi-level underground headquarters. Some group based here left recently, and armed... and left behind the blueprints for a museum in Corto Maltese, where Weather Wizard's family lives.

Unfortunately, he is son engrossed in solving the puzzle that he accidentlly trips an alarm, which makes a countdown appear on every monitor. Flash runs... but then runs back, to recover the blueprints. He is caught in the blast, surviving by vibrating through the explosion. The blueprints are destroyed.

The Flash now knows where the Rogues are going. What he doesn't know is that they observe him running to Corto Maltese via a hidden camera outside their base... and that in one hour, they hope to have proved their superiority to him once and for all...

Appearing in "Rogues Reloaded, Part One"

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See Also

Links and References
