DC Database

Teth-Adam was the Wizard's original champion, but he became corrupted and became Black Adam.


In ancient times, Teth-Adam was the kind, young prince of Kahndaq. The wizard Shazam decided he would be the heir to his power. However, Shazam's daughter, Blaze, made a deal with the god Set to turn Adam into a servant of the Egypt. When Adam spoke the words, "Shazam," he received the powers of Egyptian gods: the Stamina of Shu, Swiftness of Heru, Strength of Amon, the Wisdom of Zehuti, the Power of Aton, and the Courage of Mehen.

As Mighty Adam, he served Egypt well but was constantly away from his loving family. He faced unimaginable horrors, including a giant octopus monster and mummies. The mad priest Ahk-ton took advantage of his absence used the Orb of Ra to attack Kahndaq without mercy. With his kingdom in ruin, Mighty Adam continued to work of Egypt and later served alongside Nabu. He later captured Ahk-ton and overthrew Kahndaq as its new ruler, Teth Adam the Thunder King. Shazam was troubled by Adam's actions and realized the power corrupted his pure soul. Unable to beat him, Shazam banished Adam to a distant planet for all time and referred to him as Black Adam. Adam's rise and fall were recorded on a set of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Return and revenge

5000 years later, Black Adam was hit by transformative lightning sent by Dr. Sivana. He returned to Earth and searched Fawcett City for Shazam. He found Dr. Sivana, instead, who proposed a plan to defeat both Shazam and his new champion, Captain Marvel. Despite his disgust with the thought, Black Adam was to terrorize Fawcett City, distract Marvel long enough for Sivana to implant a tracer on him, and then feign defeat and run away. Sivana, his children, and Black Adam then followed Billy Batson and Batman to a mysterious cave. Sivana then instructed Adam to use his super strength to move Shazam's throne to reveal the portal to the Rock of Eternity. No longer in need of Black Adam, Sivana unleashed a bottle of transformative lightning onto Black Adam. Since he was never in his normal form for so long, Black Adam reverted into a corpse. But once Sivana was defeated, Adam disappeared; and though Captain Marvel and Batman assumed he was able to transform again and left the Rock, in reality his corpse turned to dust and he was never heard from again.




Monster Society of Evil 01
Marvel Family Villain
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was primarily an enemy of Captain Marvel, the Wizard Shazam, or any of the extended members of the Marvel Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Marvel Family Villains."

Batman Villains 0003
DC Bullet 2024

Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."
