DC Database

"Chaos, Part Two": Last year, Director Bones had introduced new agent Veronica Bissette to the Department of Extranormal Operations. Impressed by Veronica's experience, Bones hopes that she can help the D.E.O. secure artifacts of magical nature, as Supergirl and Superman are vulnerable to magi

Quote1 Ah! I see it now--you're a knight. A guardian. A protector. Quote2
— Xanadoth

Superman (Volume 5) #24 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 5) with a cover date of October, 2020. It was published on August 11, 2020.

Synopsis for "Chaos, Part Two"

Last year, Director Bones had introduced new agent Veronica Bissette to the Department of Extranormal Operations. Impressed by Veronica's experience, Bones hopes that she can help the D.E.O. secure artifacts of magical nature, as Supergirl and Superman are vulnerable to magic. Excited by her new line of work, Veronica agrees to help.

In the present, Veronica has been possessed by the Lord of Chaos Xanadoth, who has broken into the Tower of Fate and wants to take the Helmet of Fate from Khalid Nassour, the current Doctor Fate. Xanadoth separates Khalid from the helmet, but Superman grabs it and attemps to prevent Xanadoth from claiming it. Xanadoth then summons a horde of demons to attack Superman and learns from Veronica that Superman is vulnerable to magic. Nabu tells Khalid the story of Xanadoth: long ago, Xanadoth was the ruler of the Lords of Chaos and her lust for power was so great even the other Lords of Chaos feared him. Xanadoth's ambition caused the other Lords of Chaos to join forces with the Lords of Order in order to defeat Xanadoth and seal him within the amulet found by the D.E.O..

Now that Xanadoth is free and has claimed a human as a host, Nabu suspects that he will use the helmet and the other magical artifacts at his disposal in an attempt to restore his former dominion. Nabu tells Khalid to escape as soon as possible, but Khalid refuses to leave Superman's side, but Nabu takes Khalid away from the battlefield, an action that leaves Superman alone against Xanadoth and his forces.

Xanadoth uses his magic to make the people outside the Hall of Justice fight amongst themselves. Superman fights with all his strength against Xanadoth, but Xanadoth is unharmed by Superman's attacks and says that he will turn Superman's metahuman allies into his new army. Just as Xanadoth is about to destroy Superman, however, Nabu teleports the Man of Steel into an alternate dimension, where they plan a counterattack against Xanadoth. Khalid knows that his allies from the Justice League Dark are still in the Hall of Justice, so he will go out to retrieve them while Superman uses the Helmet of Fate in order to keep Xanadoth busy. The two heroes return to their plane of existence and put their plan into action.

Empowered by the Helmet of Fate, Superman is able to fight Xanadoth to a standstill while Khalid brings Zatanna to the Tower of Fate. Combining their powers, Khalid and Zatanna separate Xanadoth from Veronica and return him to his amulet, ending the threat. As emergency services arrive at the Hall of Justice, Doctor Fate apologizes that his conversation with Superman was interrupted but tells Superman that if he wants to talk again, he will be waiting. Superman agrees and tells Doctor Fate that he will return tomorrow, surprising Doctor Fate.

Sometime later, Veronica is taken to the hospital in order to heal from Xanadoth's possesion. The doctors hope that she can make a full recovery, but they fail to realize that a part of Xanadoth still lives within Veronica.

Appearing in "Chaos, Part Two"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Xanadoth (Flashback and main story)
    • Demons
    • Veronica Bissette (Flashback and main story) (Possessed)

Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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