DC Database

"Better Vengeance Through Chemo-Stry!": Chemo returns to Earth and merges with a laid-off factory worker who uses the chemical giant's body to attack his old employer's factory.

Quote1 I should have done this months ago! The place hasn't really seemed the same without this big, bright bottle! Even though this is only a down-to-the-last-detail duplicate, it still deserves a place of honor! In my life, few things have meant more to me than the Bottle-City of Kandor! Quote2
— Superman

Superman #370 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1982.

Synopsis for "Better Vengeance Through Chemo-Stry!"

Chemo returns to Earth and merges with a laid-off factory worker who uses the chemical giant's body to attack his old employer's factory.

Appearing in "Better Vengeance Through Chemo-Stry!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Joe Quinn (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



  • Bottle City of Kandor Replica
  • Fortress of Solitude Key
  • Giant Superman Diary


Synopsis for Superman the In-Between Years: "Super-Visions From Beyond"

Clark Kent learns that his roommate Tommy Lee's parents in South Viet Nam are endangered by Communists, and goes to help them as Superboy.

Appearing in Superman the In-Between Years: "Super-Visions From Beyond"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Citizens of Metropolis (Unnamed)
  • Professor Cermac (Single appearance)
  • Red Chinese (Mentioned only)
  • Vietnamese (Unnamed)
    • John Lee M.D. (First appearance)
    • Susan Lee (First appearance)
  • Ho Chi Minh (Mentioned only)
  • United States Army (Cameo)
    • Sergeant (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)



  • Assault Rifles
  • Grenade


  • M-12 Bus

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
