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"Smells Like Rage": Superboy undergoes some more rigorous training under the watchful eye of Guardian. The kid fights hard but Guardian thinks that he lacks discipline and warns him that there are some mistakes that can't be undone. Later

Quote1 {{{Quotation}}} Quote2
— Soldier, to Serling

Superboy (Volume 4) #84 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 4) with a cover date of March, 2001.

Synopsis for "Smells Like Rage"

Superboy undergoes some more rigorous training under the watchful eye of Guardian. The kid fights hard but Guardian thinks that he lacks discipline and warns him that there are some mistakes that can't be undone. Later, Amanda Waller, the newly appointed Secretary of meta-human affairs in President Luthor's Cabinet, enters Project Cadmus to size it up. She has a certain job she wants Superboy to do in Los Angeles. However, Waller insists that Serling Roquette so with the kid to hold him in check. There is static between Serling and Superboy ever since their relationship didn't work out.

On the other side of the continent, in Gotham City, Dt. Harvey Bullock comes onto the scene of a grisly murder in a public restroom. The victim has become petrified. In L.A., SB and Serling arrive at the quarantine area -- a gang war was about to erupt when suddenly all the players just stopped. They seem oblivious to the fact that the life is being sucked out of them one by one. Kon charges right into the zone and finds a huge multi-armed and totally alien creature. The creature pounds Superboy into the pavement while saying things no one would expect an alien to say -- in fact, some of what he says is what Superboy was thinking earlier that day. The alien tosses Superboy into an antique store and when the kid wakes up he's in some bizarre alien nightclub with a hot alien chick on his lap. Lobo is there and doesn't act pleased to see Superboy. The alien, named Scizmore is there (or at least his head is). Serling radios Superboy and tells him that it feeds off of rage so he has to calm it down. SB grabs Lobo's bike and starts playing some easy listening; then uses the bike to rocket the alien into space. Once there, SB thinks "happy thoughts," namely about the alien chick, and the Scizmore shrinks down to about human size. He explains that it was Lobo's burning rage that set him off, but he's okay now.

Lobo recalls his bike and Superboy takes off after it. The bike disappears into the antique store, which is just that when Superboy gets there -- an antique store. Outside, the gangs pick up where they left off and get ready to shoot it out. Superboy is enraged by this and in one boiling moment his power is discharged and destroys every gun in Los Angeles.

Appearing in "Smells Like Rage"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Scizmore (First appearance)

Other Characters:




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
