DC Database

""The Tantalus Trap"": The Empire's Spock and his Federation counterpart engage in a mind-meld duel until one is defeated. Before the Enterprise self-destructs, Scotty and Saavik manage to separate the saucer section from the warp drive. Using the Tantalus field, Kirk disables Excelsior and capt

Star Trek #12 is an issue of the series Star Trek (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1985.

Synopsis for "The Tantalus Trap"

The Empire's Spock and his Federation counterpart engage in a mind-meld duel until one is defeated. Before the Enterprise self-destructs, Scotty and Saavik manage to separate the saucer section from the warp drive. Using the Tantalus field, Kirk disables Excelsior and captures his Empire counterpart. Scotty and Saavik repair Excelsior and modify the transwarp engines to travel into Empire space. Kirk plans to stop the Empire's invasion. As they leave, both Spocks returns from Vulcan.

Appearing in "The Tantalus Trap"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • synopsis with permission from Star Trek Comics Checklist

See Also

Links and References

