Showcase #104 is an issue of the series Showcase (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1978. It was published on June 15, 1978.
Synopsis for "Graves with No Names"
Inside a Nazi concentration camp in occupied Poland the officers are trying to find an opposition leader called Artur. The OSS sends a circus to the camp to occupy the guards while Artur is saved. The plan goes awry, but they manage to save the rebel, but for the price of the death of all OSS agents save one.
Appearing in "Graves with No Names"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Casimir (Dies)
- Ignace (Dies)
- Jadwiga
- Stanislaw (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Artur (Head of Polish Underground)
Synopsis for "Another Pin--Another Death!"
Inside OSS HQ two agents witness as Control removes another pin, signifying the death of another agent. They wonder how can Control be this cold and emotionless, and that they would rather die than have to send men to their death day after day.
Control remembers how he got his position: he was assigned to Marseilles with his wife, but they promised each other never to reveal their relationship to the enemy and gave them leverage. He and his wife was captured separately and she was put before a firing squad as a saboteur. Control was forced to lie and say he never saw her in his life. She was shot before his eyes. Shortly after he was freed and he was offered the position at OSS as he was the most hardened agent.
Appearing in "Another Pin--Another Death!"
Featured Characters:
- Office of Strategic Services
- Control (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Dina (Dies in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Vito de Cicco (Dies)
- France
- London
- Marseilles (Flashback only)
- Rome
Synopsis for "The Friendly Killers!"
A dolphin trainer is approached by OSS, and he agrees to swim with his trained dolphins to an impenetrable Nazi naval base and blow it up with bombs attached to the aquatic mammals. The mission is successful and the trio survives.
Appearing in "The Friendly Killers!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Davy
- Mickey and Molly (dolphins)
- Ernst von Tessler (Dies)
- Nazi Frogmen
Other Characters:
See Also