She's leaving tomorrow! That's final! A woman doesn't belong on Blackhawk Island!
- — Blackhawk
Military Comics #35 is an issue of the series Military Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1945.
Synopsis for Blackhawk: "Shipwreck Island"
An isolated trio of Japanese submarines, stranded by the defeat of the Imperial Navy, has found a hidden cove under an isolated atoll, and from there has survived by piracy for several months, leaving no survivors from any looted ship. With the unhelpful assistance of Eve Rice, who steals a Skyrocket, flies to the suspected location, and gets captured by the pirates, the Blackhawks are able to find and attack the wolfpack. Two subs are destroyed and one is damaged enough to force it to the surface, where it is boarded and captured.
Appearing in Blackhawk: "Shipwreck Island"
Featured Characters:
- Captain Nuramai
- his three sub crews (most die)
Other Characters:
- Eve Rice
- Pacific Ocean
- Laguja Island, aka "Shipwreck Island"
- nearby U.S. Naval Base
- Blackhawk Island
- Copra Queen, allied merchant ship (looted and massacred)
- Prince of Indore, allied merchant ship (looted and massacred)
- Blackhawk Grumman XF5F Skyrockets
- fitted with pontoon landing gear
- three Japanese submarines (one is captured, two are destroyed)
Synopsis for Choo Choo and Cherry: "Pity the Poor Working Girl"
Appearing in Choo Choo and Cherry: "Pity the Poor Working Girl"
Featured Characters:
- Choo Choo LaMoe (First appearance)
- Cherry Lane (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Play Director
- Mr. Thimple, Cherry's boss
- Mr. Bloomingill, Thimple's boss
Synopsis for Death Patrol: "The Island of ________"
Appearing in Death Patrol: "The Island of ________"
Featured Characters:
- Death Patrol
- Del Van Dyne
- Boris
- Gramps
- Hank
- King Hotintot
- Yogi
- Tojo
- his snipers
- his many more troops
- Pacific Ocean
- Island of ________
- Jap Invisible Ray, Made in Germany
- Death Patrol's Six Unique Combat Planes
Synopsis for Private Dogtag: "Bayou Bessie"
Appearing in Private Dogtag: "Bayou Bessie"
Featured Characters:
- Private Dogtag
Supporting Characters:
- Dogtag's Sergeant
- Dogtag's C.O.
- Bayou Bessie
Other Characters:
- Old Man Wallstone (Dies)
- Wallstone' Butler
- Ellie Lou
- Gopher Herman
- Justice of the Peace
- Louisiana Bayou Country
Synopsis for P.T. Boat: "The Bugle of Tyke MacDougall"
Appearing in P.T. Boat: "The Bugle of Tyke MacDougall"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- MTB Squadron Six
- Squadron Commander (still not named)
Other Characters:
- Tyke MacDougall (Dies)
- Tyke's father and neighbors
- English Soldiers
- Scottish Grenadiers
- Laedock, Scotland
- South Pacific Ocean
- MTB-6 Base
- Bugle
- U.S. PT Boats
- I.J. Aircraft Carrier
- many warplanes (some destroyed)
- many warplanes (some destroyed)
Synopsis for Pacific Patrol: "See You On Wake Island, Nippo!"
Colonel Bayler was the last U.S. Marine to leave Wake Island, in December 1941, and he's anxious to be the first one ashore when they take it back.
Appearing in Pacific Patrol: "See You On Wake Island, Nippo!"
Featured Characters:
- Pacific Patrol (Final appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- U.S. Marines
- South Pacific Ocean
Synopsis for Secret War News: "American Infantry Pierce Jungle To Smash Japanese"
(nonfiction account of the New Guinea campaign)
Appearing in Secret War News: "American Infantry Pierce Jungle To Smash Japanese"
Featured Characters:
- Colonel Geerd
- Major Smith
- Second Battalion of the 126th Infantry Division, U.S.Army (849 men)
Supporting Characters:
- Australian Seventh Division
- New Guinea
- South Coast
- Owen Stanley Mountains
- North Coast
- Japanese Bases
- Blackhawk:
- Blackhawk gets another gunshot wound, for the third time.[1] Being a Blackhawk is dangerous.
- Two more submarines and their crews are destroyed by the Blackhawks.
- In the final panel of "Shipwreck Island", Olaf breaks the Fourth Wall to make a wisecrack at Blackhawk's expense.
- First issue for Choo Choo and Cherry by Gill Fox. This series ran until Modern Comics #83, March 1949.
- Death Patrol: "The Island of ________"
- One Japanese submarine is destroyed accidentally, by blundering into a rocky reef.
- Jackie is still absent. He was last seen in Military Comics #26. He really will be back.
- Last issue for Pacific Patrol and Secret War News, both by Bill Quackenbush.
- Secret War News: "This is an actual story based upon inside facts gathered from U.S.N. Information Bureaus."
- Also featured in this issue of Military Comics were:
- Johnny Doughboy, by Bernard Dibble
- "Lost Woman" (text story)
- Perry and Paul wear dress white uniforms while operating a two-man PT boat in combat. And none of the boats in their squadron has got a hull number painted on it.
See Also
Links and References
- ↑ Military Comics #27, Military Comics #31, and Military Comics #35