Krush is a mutant crime baron who holds sway in the Ninth Tride, part of the criminal underworld of Atlantis.
When Aquaman became a vigilante fighting against these criminal elements, he took offense at the encroachment upon his turf and told his men to go out and begin an attempt to hunt down this unknown assailant.[1] With the insistence of Drift Commander Urcell, he redoubled his efforts in order to keep his autonomy and his life, rather than be executed for having not kept his side of an arrangement to keep order in the Ninth Tride.[2]
Powers and Abilities
- Atlantean Physiology: The Atlanteans are offshoots of humanity that are biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment. All their abilities are by-products of their bodies being adapted to survive unprotected in the tremendous pressures of the ocean depths.
- Amphibian
- Superhuman Strength
- Superhuman Durability: Krush is able to withstand the huge pressures of deep ocean.
- Superhuman Reflexes
- Superhuman Stamina
- Superhuman Speed
- Enhanced Senses
- Enhanced Vision: Krush is able to see perfectly in the pitch blackness of the deep ocean.
- Enhanced Hearing: Krush's hearing is far greater than any human's.
- Mutation: Krush is what is known in Atlantis as a mutant, with a crab-like physiology.
- 5 Appearances of Krush (Prime Earth)
- 3 Images featuring Krush (Prime Earth)
- 1 Quotations by or about Krush (Prime Earth)
- Character Gallery: Krush (Prime Earth)
Aquaman Villain(s) This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of Aquaman, or members of the Aquaman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Aquaman Villains." |