DC Database

"The Cosmic Conspiracy Against Adam Strange!": Returning to their satellite headquarters after their adventure with Adam Strange, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash find themselves transformed into invisible wraiths by Adam's excess Zeta energy. Adam follows them to Earth, and ex

Quote1 Well, Ray, sometimes powers like ours are too specialized for the job at hand-- And sometimes, they're the only powers that can help! It evens out! Quote2
— Aquaman

Justice League of America #139 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1977. It was published on November 1, 1976.

Synopsis for "The Cosmic Conspiracy Against Adam Strange!"

Returning to their satellite headquarters after their adventure with Adam Strange, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash find themselves transformed into invisible wraiths by Adam's excess Zeta energy. Adam follows them to Earth, and explains their

situation to their fellow members just before the entire group must journey to the 73rd century to battle an invading Kanjar Ro. Flash returns to normal by unknown means and joins the "solid" members in combat with future Earthmen, whose technology enables them to duplicate the superheroes' powers and skills. But it is Adam who is able to duplicate the "cure," a form of Beta particles, and restore the other four heroes to join the battle and win. He also unmasks Kanjar Ro who is disguised as the future Green Lantern.

Appearing in "The Cosmic Conspiracy Against Adam Strange!"

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Synopsis for "The Ice Age Cometh!"

Descending upon the city of Quito, Ecuador, the Justice League encounter that country's president, Esteban Corazón. 'Señor Presidente' informs the League that his country is experiencing a new 'ice age' and requires their assistance. However, the League's efforts to correct the temperature inversion prove fruitless even as the cold area is growing. To compound problems, President Corazón informs the Leaguers of the theft of the Minerva Diamond in Gotham City, as broadcast on Voice of America. A team consisting of Flash (Barry Allen), Black Canary, Green Arrow and a short-tempered Wonder Woman are dispatched to Gotham to investigate the theft for which Captain Cold, Icicle (Joar Mahkent) and Minister Blizzard have taken credit. Arriving in Gotham, the heroes encounter the three villains as they are attempting to steal a second jewel, the Star of Calcutta, which is being heavily guarded by Gotham Police.

The Leaguers defeat the frozen threesome, however the Star of Calcutta has disappeared sometime during the melee when the jewel was briefly couched in shadow. Back in Ecuador, the remaining League members are stymied by the encroaching ice despite their best efforts and are soon rejoined by the Gotham team, who inform them that the villains gave no clue as to the cause for the freezing conditions encountered along the equator. Hawkman (Katar Hol) deduces that his foe, the Shadow Thief, is responsible as his weapon, the Dimensiometer, a device that allows the Shadow Thief to become a shadow, has deleterious effects on earth's magnetic field and continued use could trigger a new ice age.

The original Gotham team, joined by Hawkman (Katar Hol), Green Lantern, and a dejected Atom who is frustrated at his ineffectiveness in this crisis, return to question the three incarcerated villains while the remaining membership continue rescue operations. Back in Gotham, the team arrive in time to witness the villains in the midst of escape from prison during a power outage. The team quickly defeat the three foes with the Atom delivering the final blow to Captain Cold.

During the battle the Flash (Barry Allen) notices a chilling cold spot as he races about in the shadows. At this moment the Shadow Thief makes his presence known and explains that only Minister Blizzard (who is acclimated to extreme cold) was aware of the cataclysmic scheme leaving Icicle and Captain Cold oblivious underlings.

The Shadow Thief, thinking he is untouchable in this dimension, prepares to make his escape but is inexplicably snared by the timely arrival of the Phantom Stranger. With the Dimensiometer deactivated by the Phantom Stranger, the impending frozen doomsday is averted.

Appearing in "The Ice Age Cometh!"

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  • The author of "The Ice Age Cometh!", Steve Englehart, inserted himself into the story in the form of Ecuador's President, Esteban Corazón.

See Also

Links and References
