...Sure the cloak can mimic the ring's abilities-- But it's not the same thing. There's a...fusion that happens. My will and imagination channel through the ring...becoming the emerald energy and--
- — Green Lantern src
The Green Lantern of the Justice League 3000 is a clone of the original.
In the 31st Century, Ariel Masters and the Wonder Twins (Teri and Terry) cloned the original Justice League members Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash.
The original intent for this being, to combat against the five, a ruthless group, who were seemingly unstoppable.
Using the bodies of various volunteers, they used the DNA to override the volunteer's body. This resulted in imperfect versions of the League, with incorrect physical characteristics, shortage of certain powers, as well as memory loss for the entire team.
After an encounter with the reality shaping Locus, he was dramatically shrunk down. He is about as big as a doll.
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Powers and Abilities
- Green Light Conduit: Unlike other Green Lanterns, Hal is a conduit of the Green Light of Will himself and is able to freely project it without the need for a power ring or any other medium. He is able to use the Green Light for variety of effects, such as complex energy constructs or energy blasts. He was formerly restrained by his Power Cloak to channel his power, but since it's destruction he learned to control it himself.
- Genetic Flaw: Despite the fact that Hal is able to freely use the Green Light, if he were to overuse his powers without his cloak, then he risks literally exploding due to the Green Light spreading uncontrollably through his body and supercharging his cells. The more he uses his power, the faster the Light spreads.
- Power Cloak: The cloak Hal wears is something of a inhibitor that prevents Hal's power from consuming him. It contains his power and regulates it very carefully so that he can use his powers with no ill effects.
- Hal is displeased with using The Cloak and wishes for a ring. This is something he hints at frequently during debriefing.
- His appearance resembles Hal Jordan as the Spectre.
- 16 Appearances of Hal Jordan (Justice League 3000)
- 3 Images featuring Hal Jordan (Justice League 3000)
- 1 Quotations by or about Hal Jordan (Justice League 3000)
- Character Gallery: Hal Jordan (Justice League 3000)
Justice League member This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or simply the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats. |