DC Database

"Even An Immortal Can Die!": This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #80.

Quote1 This is a badly written parody of a trial! Quote2
— Green Arrow

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #3 is an issue of the series Green Lantern/Green Arrow (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1983.

Synopsis for "Even An Immortal Can Die!"

This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #80.

While driving in the northwestern U.S., Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and their companion — a Guardian in disguise — are suddenly run off the road and off a bridge by an oncoming truck. They hail a nearby tanker, carrying toxic wastes, but the boat's boiler overheats and explodes, injuring Green Lantern. Green Arrow asks the Guardian if he can help, and he decides to help Green Lantern rather than save the ship. Unfortunately, in order to save the ship, Green Arrow and the crew have to unload the toxic waste into the water, polluting the river.

Afterwards, the Guardians of the Universe appear and accuse the earthbound Guardian of having put the needs of an individual before the greater good, prompting the three to return to the planet Gallo, home of the Tribune, to plead their case. When they arrive, they are met with unexpected hostility, finding only one judge when there should be several, and a jury of strangely biased robots. The Kangaroo Court recommends the death penalty for the Guardian, and the Terrans are imprisoned.

In their prison, the heroes meet the real Tribunes, who reveal that the man who judged them was actually their master mechanic, whose robots took over the city. Green Arrow fashions a bow and an explosive arrow out of available materials to destroy their guard robot. Green Lantern gets his ring back from another robot guard and they all hurry to stop the immanent execution. Unfortunately, they are kept busy by robots long enough that the Guardian is entrapped within a solid cylinder. Green Lantern uses his ring to free the Guardian, who is fortunately unharmed, while Green Arrow apprehends the false judge.

The Earth-heroes expect to return home, but are surprised when the Guardian chooses to remain behind to face judgment for his crimes.

Appearing in "Even An Immortal Can Die!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Master Mechanic (Single appearance)
  • Tribune's Robots (Single appearance)
    • Serbus (Single appearance) (Destroyed)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Death Be My Destiny!"

This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #81.

The Guardian returns to Oa to face trial by the Guardians of the Universe for having put the needs of an individual first. The heroes Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and Black Canary attempt to to vouch for his character, but their friend pleads guilty. Despite the heroes' pleas, the Guardians dictate that the accused be stripped of his immortality and exiled to Maltus. They do, however, allow the Terrans to escort him.

The group are surprised to find that Maltus is highly populated, given the long interval since the Oans had been there. Also, the citizens appear hostile, particularly toward Black Canary, as she is a woman. They escape with Green Lantern's help, and decide to investigate by using his ring to dig up the city's archive building and get inside.

The archives' caretaker has locked himself inside due to the others' hostility. He explains that due to a series of complex events, Maltus is overpopulated, breeding hatred for outsiders and women who could bear children. They resolve to find and stop the source of the overpopulation, Mother Juna. Once inside her fortress, they are attacked by Mother Juna's goons, and flee to the lab. Green Lantern and Green Arrow use what they can find to take out the goons, while Black Canary defeats Mother Juna. An angry mob soon breaks into the fortress, and the heroes must pull Mother Juna out to prevent them from killing her. She explains that she had been left barren by a cloud of cosmic dust (one of the unlucky ones to remain barren), and had started cloning people in order to be a mother.

The Guardian and Mother Juna stay on Maltus to help rebuild, and the Terran heroes return to Earth.

Appearing in "Death Be My Destiny!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mother Juna (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
