DC Database
DC Database

Gong Gong and his fellow Gods where created by stolen Durlan technology from the Chinese Standing Committee for Metahuman Affairs by General Hu and Director of the Metahuman Defence Agency of Taiwan Ma Saihung in secret to take over China.

The Gods where unaware that they where only created as a distraction as the real treat to China was assembled within the Gobi Desert: a second Terracotta Army.

When the faithful in Lhasa, Tibet where made "aware" of the real gods return they gathered only to be put down by the Chinese Super-functionaries the Great Ten the Gods appeared and by the Jade Emperor's decree he sentences them all to death for there crimes against the faithful. And seem to dominate the startled Super-Functionaries. Only when Vice Premier Jiang was about to nuke the place to ensure it's country safety, the Gods safely telleported away taking Celestial Archer (who sworn a oath to serve the gods of old) with them.

A short while thereafter he and his comrades invaded the the main cities of China, his target Guangzhou. There the God of Floods clashed with Super-Functionary Seven Deadly Brothers.

When Feng Po was killed battling Immortal Man in Darkness (Chen Nuo) in Shanghai He and the other Gods started to panic as who could kill a God. The Jade Emperor scoffed claiming Feng Po was only captured and it's demise fabricated on television. But he ensured them all they will avenge there comrade in Hong Kong with the help of devoted followers, the Taiwanese branch of The Triads. Although they where unaware that Celestial Archer had tipped his former comrades of.

The God of Death Chu Jiang died battling the Super-functionaries August General in Iron and Ghost Fox Killer. Confronted by it's lifeless corpse. Gong Gong and the others where startled even the Jade Emperor couldn't explain how a God of Death could die. Nevertheless there leader ordered it's killers and there timely back up Shaolin Robot to be killed. As the Jade Emperor neared for the kill he was decapitated by the Robot instead. With moral broken Kuan Ti rellied the others in a retreat claiming that "If the King of Heaven could fall to a Soulless puppet, then this world is no longer worth fighting for!"

Leaderless and confused the rest of Gods consulted Celestial Archer who introduced them to the Real Gods of China. As they walked among the Celestial court of the real Jade Emperor they learned they where not gods but just men.

"Gong Gong" like the others had no memory of who he was before. But they still knew they where still Chinese and thus they where allowed to fight of the second Robotic Terracotta invasion alongside the Great Ten in the Gobi Desert.



Possibly Boom Tube




