DC Database

"Eating Pain": After his dolphins are traded to an unknown client, Lobo lashes out in fight against Manga Khan's forces and destroys Manga's robotic body, leaving his energy-gas form floating free. Mister Miracle and Lobo make a deal to go look for the dolphins, and they track the transaction, m

Quote1 Uh, it's clear to me, Lobo. You simply won't feel satisfied until you're reunited with your astro-dolphins... so why don't you and I go get them? Quote2
— Mister Miracle

Mister Miracle (Volume 2) #14 is an issue of the series Mister Miracle (Volume 2) with a cover date of April, 1990.

Synopsis for "Eating Pain"

After his dolphins are traded to an unknown client, Lobo lashes out in fight against Manga Khan's forces and destroys Manga's robotic body, leaving his energy-gas form floating free. Mister Miracle and Lobo make a deal to go look for the dolphins, and they track the transaction, made by a green hologram, to a specific coordinate, which ends up being none other than Green Lantern Mogo, the living planet. The Green Lantern bought the astro-dolphins so they could a eat the corrosive yellow meteorites that fall on his surface. Lobo, seeing the dolphins are happy there and want to stay with their new master, decides to let them stay. Back in Manga's ship, Lobo steals two containers with samples of the yellow meteorites and flies off on his own, leaving a trail of yellow rocks for his dolphins to follow.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Andy and Wally, two kids from Bailey who discovered Mister Miracle's secret identity, blackmail Barda to let them sell the Miracle Misters. Afterward, two men from the institution that makes illegal tests on animals trick Barda into joining them, pretending to be investigators with information about the illegal institution.

Appearing in "Eating Pain"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
