Justice League (Volume 4) #62 is an issue of the series Justice League (Volume 4) with a cover date of August, 2021. It was published on June 1, 2021.
Synopsis for "Justice League: Prisms, Part Four"
Appearing in "Justice League: Prisms, Part Four"
Featured Characters:
- Black Adam
- Hippolyta
- Justice League
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry) (Also as a statue)
- Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Also as a statue)
- Black Canary (Dinah Drake)
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Also as a statue)
- Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
- Hawkgirl (Also as a statue)
- Superman (Clark Kent) (Also as a statue)
- Naomi McDuffie (Unknown Earth)
Supporting Characters:
- Gondor (Unknown Earth) (First full appearance)
Other Characters:
- Gondor's children (Unknown Earth) (Single appearance) (Unnamed)
- Gondor's mother (Unknown Earth) (First appearance; unnamed)
- Gondor's wife (Unknown Earth) (First appearance; unnamed)
- Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira) (Statue only)
- Amazons of Themyscira (Mentioned only)
- Naomi's biological father (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Naomi's biological mother (Unknown Earth) (Unnamed) (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- The Wizard Mamaragan (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse
- Earth 0
- Earth
- United States of America
- Kahndaq (Mentioned only)
- Themyscira (Mentioned only)
- Krypton (Destroyed) (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- Naomi's Earth (Unnamed)
- Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- Sphere of the Gods
- Hell (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- Batarang
- Batsuit
- Green Arrow's Bow
- Hippolyta's Shield
- Hippolyta's Spear
- Hippolyta's Tiara
- Multiverse Map (Mentioned only)
- Nth Metal
- Gondor's Tank (Single appearance) (Destroyed)
Synopsis for "Justice League Dark: The Trouble With Books"
Appearing in "Justice League Dark: The Trouble With Books"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Man of the Book (First full appearance)
- Merlin (Myrdin Wyld/"Mr. Wilt") (Real name revealed)
- Gargoyles (Only as constructs) (Destroyed)
- Ogres (Only as constructs) (Destroyed)
Other Characters:
- Unnamed ship captain (Single appearance; dies)
- Angels (Mentioned only)
- Doctor Fate (Khalid Nassour) (Mentioned only)
- God (Mentioned only)
- Gods (Mentioned only)
- The Upside-Down Man (Dark Multiverse) (Mentioned only)
- Anaximander (Mentioned only)
- Ram V (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse
- Earth 0
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantis
- Ancient Atlantis (In ruins) (Cameo)
- Atlantis
- Atlantic Ocean
- Sphere of the Gods (Behind the scenes)
- Earth 0
- Angelic Sword
- Eternity Book
- Helmet of Fate (Mentioned only)
- Library of Babel books
- "Imago Mundi" (Mentioned only)
- "Justice League Dark (2021)" (Single appearance)
- "Maps of Anaximander" (Single appearance)
- Silk Cut
- Suit of Souls
- Sword of Night
- This story confirms that, as a consequence of the rebirth of Creation, Jason Blood's immortality was restored.
- Ragman breaks the Fourth Wall by discovering the Upside-Down Man's influence over Zatanna while reading a "Justice League Dark" book written by Ram V.
- The cover is a homage to Titans (Volume 2) #1.
See Also
Links and References
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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.