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DC Database

"Brick by Brick, Part 5: Let's Go Fast": After Larry was rejoined with the Negative Spirit, Casey picked him and Cliff up and traveled back in time and to Mobile Slaughter Unit X-19, where they encountered her father Torminox and as well as an evil version of herself called Doodle-Bug. Danny tol

Quote1 I'll keep choosing love. Quote2
— Casey Brinke

Doom Patrol (Volume 6) #5 is an issue of the series Doom Patrol (Volume 6) with a cover date of May, 2017. It was published on March 22, 2017.

Synopsis for "Brick by Brick, Part 5: Let's Go Fast"

After Larry was rejoined with the Negative Spirit, Casey picked him and Cliff up and traveled back in time and to Mobile Slaughter Unit X-19, where they encountered her father Torminox and as well as an evil version of herself called Doodle-Bug. Danny told Casey to go to the past version of himself, before he created Torminox and Doodle-Bug, and burn down the comics shop, causing her father and her alternate self to disappear.

Meanwhile, a man dressed as an astronaut fed Lotion a substance that gave him human characteristics. In Larry's innermost parallel lifetime, he was lying down in a hospital bed, spending his last moments with his family before the Chief entered the room and told him about the Doom Patrol. Somewhere in New Mexico, Valerie told the Multi-Mother that the next day, her name would be Jane.

Appearing in "Brick by Brick, Part 5: Let's Go Fast"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • $♯!+ (First appearance; unnamed)
  • "Danny Comics" (Apparent destruction) (Cameo)
  • Grandma (Unnamed) (Cameo)


  • Mobile-Slaughter Unit X-19


See Also

Links and References
