Curse you, you've destroyed everything -- my machinery -- my last hope of being human again -- ! Now I'm going to destroy you!
- — Clayface
Detective Comics #479 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1978.
Synopsis for "If a Man be Made of Clay"
Clayface lunges at Batman, but Batman fends him off by temporarily shorting Clayface's exoskeleton with a live cable. Clayface kicks him backward, then runs out of the lab. On his way out he sabotages the Batmobile so that Batman cannot follow him.
While racing back towards Gotham City with the stolen S.T.A.R. Labs device, Clayface suffers from a massive "fever" attack. He swerves off the road and crashes his vehicle. He then stops an oncoming motorist, kills him, and steals his car.
Back in Gotham, a mysterious raven-haired woman arrives at the Wayne Foundation. She asks for Bruce Wayne, but the receptionist tells her that Wayne is away. Rather than leave a message, the woman leaves.
Commissioner Gordon receives word that Clayface is returning to the city so he blockades the Gotham Narrows Bridge. Clayface barrels his car into the police barricade, dives out, and begins scaling the side of the bridge. Batman catches up to him and the two fight one another for a second time. Clayface grows frustrated and dives off the top of the bridge with his stolen device.
Batman tracks him down to his base of operations at the Father Knickenbocker Wax Museum. The two fight each other for a third time, but this time, Batman disengages the power pack on the back of Clayface's exoskeleton. Finally defeating him, he begins to drag him outside. During their battle however, a candle fell over, igniting the place on fire. When Clayface rouses and sees the wax museum going up in flames, he breaks free and rushes back in to save his beloved manikin, Helena. The roof collapses down on top of him, and Clayface is presumed killed. However, no body is ever found.
Appearing in "If a Man be Made of Clay"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Clayface III (Apparent Death)
Other Characters:
- Silver St. Cloud (Flashback only)
- Mysterious Lady
- Lester Burton (Single appearance; dies)
- Sal Menkin (Single appearance)
- Gotham County
- Starhaven
- Arnie's All-Night Gasarama Gas Station
- Gotham City
- Father Knickenbocker Wax Museum (Destroyed)
- Gotham Narrows Bridge
- Wayne Foundation
- Clayface's exoskeleton
- Utility Belt
- Helena the Mannequin
- Batmobile (Cameo)
- Whirly-Bat (Cameo)
Synopsis for "True Heroes Never Die... !"
Hawkman and Hawkwoman return from Thanagar only to find that in their absence, the Midway City Museum has been taken over by a man named Anton Lamont. Mavis Trent walks into the Hawks' former office to greet them just as Lamont is telling them how they've been fired. Mavis confirms the news and leaves in tears. Lamont then removes his cloak which possesses mystical powers and envelops it around Katar and Shayera, instantly transporting them to a mountaintop miles outside the city. With the Hawks out of the way, Lamont can now get to work acquiring the device that he originally came to Midway City to find -- Leonardo da Vinci's Pistol of Power.
On the mountaintop, the Hawks summon a bunch of birds to swoop down and carry them to safety. Once back on the ground, they are able to retrieve their costumes and more importantly, their Nth Metal anti-gravity belts.
They return to the museum to face Lamont who reveals himself as the villain known as the Fadeaway Man. He uses the power of his cloak to summon a hail storm that buffets the Hawks back, but Hawkman counters the bizarre weather effect by rapidly beating his wings. He swings his mace at Lamont, but misses, striking the Pistol of Power instead. The blow activates the trigger, generating a beam of energy that seemingly disintegrates the Fadeaway Man.
Appearing in "True Heroes Never Die... !"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Fadeaway Man (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Cloak of Cagliostro
- Hawkman's mace
- Hawkwoman's retarius
- Nth Metal Wings
- Da Vinci's Pistol of Power (Destroyed)
- None
- "If a Man be Made of Clay" is reprinted in:
- Issue includes "Daily Planet Extra", Volume 76, issue 26.
- Hawkman back-up features begin with this issue.
- Hawkman and Hawkwoman appeared last in Showcase #103. They appear next in Detective Comics #480.
- Although the Fadeaway Man appears to die in this issue, he manages to survive and returns in The Brave and the Bold #186.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Hawkman Recommended Reading
- Action Comics (Volume 1)
- The Atom (Volume 1): The Atom and Hawkman #39– #46
- Brightest Day
- Convergence: Hawkman
- Detective Comics (Volume 1)
- Hawkgirl (Volume 1)
- Hawkgirl (Volume 2)
- Hawkman (Volume 1)
- Hawkman (Volume 2)
- Hawkman (Volume 3)
- Hawkman (Volume 4)
- Hawkman (Volume 5)
- Hawkworld (Volume 1)
- Hawkworld (Volume 2)
- JSA (Volume 1)
- Justice League of America (Volume 1)
- Justice League of America (Volume 3)
- Mystery in Space (Volume 1): Mystery in Space #87– #91
- The Savage Hawkman
- Shadow War of Hawkman
- World's Finest (Volume 1)