DC Special #7 is an issue of the series DC Special (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1970. It was published on April 19, 1970.
Synopsis for "Gorilla Wonders of the Diamond!"
This story is reprinted from The Brave and the Bold #49.
An anthropologist by the name of John Emerson travels to jungle to test his hypothesis. Emerson contends that Gorillas were meant to be the dominant species on Earth but that nuclear fallout halted their evolutionary development. He begins to feed the gorillas a special solution that will activate dormant genes allowing gorillas to resume their evolutionary progress. Within months, the gorillas begin to learn basic language and they are soon learning algebra. They create the bow and arrow along with the ability to make fire. One day Emerson finds that the gorillas have also created blue baseball caps for themselves and he finds it amazing. Within 4 years the gorillas have progressed at an astonishing rate. Emerson worries that they may also have surpassed man himself. Unbeknownst to Emerson, the gorillas have invented a machine that allows them to control his thoughts. One day, Emerson reads that baseball players from the United States will soon be touring Turkey. He surmises that it might be fun playing the gorillas against them. He begins to teach them the game and the gorillas pick up the necessary skills at an astonishing pace. They are soon able to beat any team and they make short work of the visiting baseball players from America. Emerson is offered a vast sum of money to sell his team but he reiterates that they are not for sale. He is then requested to bring his team to the states in anticipation of the big crowds they would attract but Emerson refuses. The following morning Emerson surprisingly changes his mind about the tour. The gorillas had apparently used their thought machine to change his mind and they infer that they also have an alternative purpose. The gorillas travel to the states where they amaze everyone with their baseball skills. Emerson soon notices that the gorillas never take off their blue baseball caps, they always wear them but he thinks nothing of it. During one particular game the gorilla named Ted slides into third base and loses his cap. He is called safe but then absentmindedly walks away and he is tagged out. He puts on his cap once more and apologizes for the mistake calling it a mental lapse. Emersons suspicions are aroused. He notes that the gorillas have their caps on at all times and that not wearing them makes them revert back to their animal states. One night, Emerson follows his gorillas pitcher Big Ben as he takes a walk by himself at night. He follows Big Ben and watches as the gorilla buries a mechanical contraption in the ground. Big Ben returns to wake the other gorillas and explains that they have placed Panarayers in different places. The panarayers will sweep the earth in seconds with their high frequency beams and every human will fall asleep. When they wake up they will be the dumb animals while the gorillas will become masters of the world. Emerson shudders as he listens to their plans, he notifies the authorities and they begin the task of removing the panarayers from their hidden places. Meanwhile the gorillas are sprayed with sleeping gas while Emerson removes their baseball caps rendering the gorillas harmless. The gorillas are scattered in zoos across the country and their baseball caps are placed in the baseball hall of fame.
Appearing in "Gorilla Wonders of the Diamond!"
Featured Characters:
- John Emerson (Flashback and main story) (Single appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Super-Intelligent Gorillas (Single appearance)
- Ben (Single appearance)
- Billy (Single appearance)
- Ted (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Blaze Thomkins (Single appearance)
- Turkey
- An American Air-Force Base
- United States of America
- Africa (Flashback only)
- Gorilla's Baseball Caps
- None
Synopsis for "The Hot-Shot Hoopsters!"
This story is reprinted from The Brave and the Bold #46.
The basketball team at Calford University has just qualified for the finals agains Alvania. The student body is excited but their star player comes down with a mysterious virus and the whole team is quarantined as a precaution. Coach Ben Barry is inconsolable as he realizes that his dream of winning the championship has now disintegrated. He considers forfeiting the game when a group of students walk into his office. They introduce themselves as a group of Calford students known as the Baby Eggheads. They are composed of 12 and 14 year old students that are enrolled in the University under the young education program. They offer to play in the championship basketball game and their personal counselor feels they will do a great job of utilizing their math skills to overcome their opponents. A figure named Thomas tightwad Taggart then enters the room and announces that he will donate a million dollars to the university if they can beat Alvania. Coach Barry has no choice but to accept the offer For the next few days the boys labor over their math calculations, studying scientific principles that will help them achieve victory. They then travel to State University to play their championship game. As the game progresses, the Calford team seems to be doing great. Each boy shoots from a designated place on the court that they have studied mathematically. Their strategy allows them to score with uncanny accuracy. They continue to score without a miss. The second half of the game is more challenging with Alvania becoming more aggressive. The game is soon tied and the Alvania coach calls a time out. He has noticed that the Calford team shoots from only 4 spots. He instructs his players to stand on those four spots denying them their shot. The game continues and the Calford players look exhausted. With ten seconds to go, the ball is given to Tommy Felton from Calford. Tommy dribbles the ball towards the half court line but he is careful not to cross it. He then turns around and shoots the ball. The crowd is astonished as the ball falls through the hoop. Tommy had been held back without playing in the game until that moment to surprise the Alvania players. Their strategy pays off and Calford wins the game. Tightwad Taggart is then seen pledging not one but two million dollars to the University to ensure that this type of education continues.
Appearing in "The Hot-Shot Hoopsters!"
Featured Characters:
- The "Baby Eggheads" (Single appearance)
- Joey Bender (Single appearance)
- Tommy Felton (Single appearance)
- Jimmy Brown (Single appearance)
- Eddie Tryon (Single appearance)
- Johnny Burke (Single appearance)
- Eddie Magee (Single appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Coach Ben Barry (Single appearance)
- Professor James (Single appearance)
- Thomas "Tightwad" Taggart (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Calford Basketball Team (Single appearance)
- "High" Harry Thomas (Single appearance)
- Bill (Single appearance)
- Alvania University Basketball Team (Single appearance)
- "Big" Clay Parker (Single appearance)
- Calford University
- State University
- None
- None
Synopsis for "The Man Who Drove through Time"
This story is reprinted from The Brave and the Bold #48.
Bill Slade puts together a horseless carriage in the year 1896. He then participates in a race to win the hand of his fiancée Betty Edwards. If he beats her fathers horse and carriage then he will give consent to the marriage. Slade picks up speed and easily surpasses the horse and buggy. He is moving so fast that he soon finds himself in a time warp traveling to the future. He finally comes to a stop and finds himself in the year 1964. He is ticketed by a police officer for not having a license and registration. A judge then fines him $15 for his speeding infraction which he pays using 1896 bills. Slade marvels at the technological advances of the age. He ponders at how he might be able to return back to his own time. He then notices a newspaper story about the Indianapolis 500 and decides that it would be the perfect venue for him to speed and return back to his own time. Slade enters the race and finds that he must qualify by averaging at least 100 miles per hour. Blade races his car and average 135 miles per hour to qualify. The race is then helf on Memorial Day, Slade qualifies as one of the first three cars to start. He accelerates lap after lap around the track but he does not revert back in time. He finishes the race and winds up winning but is disappointed that he has not warped back to his time. As he continues racing down the track he blurs out of sight and disappers. He finds himself back in 1896 with no memory of what has happened. His future father in law approves of the marriage and offers to go in business with him manufacturing cars.
Appearing in "The Man Who Drove through Time"
Featured Characters:
- William Slade (Single appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Betty Edwards (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Mr. Edwards (Betty's Father) (Unnamed) (Single appearance)
- None
- William's Automobile
Synopsis for "Goliath of the Gridiron!"
This story is reprinted from The Brave and the Bold #45.
Jim Spencer watches from the stands as his father coaches the Hartnell Aggies football team. He longs to be an athlete but he is an honors student that was not endowed with an athletic body. He is skinny and weak. He also admires a beautiful girl named Betty Craig from afar but does not have the confidence to approach her. He takes a lonely walk back to the college botany lab where he has been experimenting with plants to see if he can make them grow better. When he enters he is amazed that the plants have grown considerably. He concludes that the surprising growth came as a result of a particular type of soil that he discovered in a place called Honeybear Gulch. He eats the berries from one of the plants wondering if they might cause his body to grow big and strong. Nothing happens so he goes to sleep that night. In the morning he finds himself with a strapping, muscular, athletic body. His parents are amazed at the change and barely recognize him. Jim Immediately joins the football team and becomes its star quarterback. He returns kick offs, intercepts balls and scores numerous times. His team wins the first game 72-0. Jim Spencer becomes the talk of the town and gets the opportunity to talk to Betty at the Victory dance. The Hartnell Aggies continue their win streak but Jim Spencer starts to notice that he is growing more and more tired as he uses his athletic abilities. He surmises that the effects of the berries are wearing off. He returns to his lab to obtain more berries but finds that all the plants are dead from neglect. He attempts to get more soil from Honeybear Gulch to grow more berry plants but is unable to locate any. Jim concludes that his body will slowly change back to normal and will be unable to play anymore football. He continues to play but finds it necessary to conserve his energy. The final game is at hand and Jim figures that he has enough energy for one more athletic play. He is careful to conserve his energy but as he walks back to the stadium one day he finds it necessary to use his athletic abilities to push a young boy out of the way of an oncoming car. He saves the boys life but he also injures his ankle and has no more athleticism left for the final game. Jim decides to push through and shows up on the field as the Aggies struggle against State. Inspired by the appearance of their star player, the Aggies tie up the game. On the final play, Jim takes the field anticipating that the other team will assume he will get the ball for the final play. The opposing team converges on him tackling him to the ground while the substitute quarterback sneaks in for a touchdown on a keeper play. The Aggies win and Jim Spencer is satisfied that the has helped his father obtain a championship. Jim Spencer sits by himself in the lab as Betty Craig enters and insists on taking him to the Victory dance even if they both sit out because of his sprained ankle.
Appearing in "Goliath of the Gridiron!"
Featured Characters:
- Jim Spencer (Single appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Betty Craig (Single appearance)
- Coach Ed Spencer (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Hank Elder (Single appearance)
- Cele Spencer (Single appearance)
- College Football Stadium
- Strength-Enhancing Berries
- None
Synopsis for "Solar Olympics of 3000 A.D."
This story is reprinted from Mystery in Space #39.
Every ten years the outstanding athletes of the nine planets compete in the Solar System Olympics. Greg Warence of Earth hopes to compete and match the record breaking feats of his idol Nal Adams in which he won every event of the grueling decathlon contest. Warence finds himself on a stopover on the planetoid Keylar while waiting for his space liner to take off. He ventures into town and stops at a pawn shop where he notices the Solar Olympics gold medal awarded to Nal Adams on display in the window. Warence goes inside and learns that the medal was pawned by Nal Adams who was in need of money. Warence purchases the medal with the intent of giving it back to his hero Nal Adams. He learns that Adams lives on the planetoid and pays him a visit at a broken down hotel. He meets with Nal Adams briefly but finds that his hero is curt and rude. Warence expresses his admiration for the athlete discussing his every achievement in detail. He mentions that he is now on his way to compete in the Solar Olympics and Adams wishes him luck as he hastily escorts him to the door. Once outside, Warence realizes that he forgot to give Nal Adams the receipt to claim his medal from the pawn shop. He goes back into the hotel to find him. As he walks in he overhears a conversation in which Nal Adams is conspiring to overthrow Earths government with the cooperation of hostile aliens. The Aliens notice that Warence is eavesdropping and they quickly apprehend him. They hold him in a room below the hotel, Warence is in disbelief that his hero has turned out to be such a traitor. Nal Adams suddenly enters the room and reveals that he is acting as a double agent to infiltrate the anti Earth movement. He had pawned off his medal to convince the conspirators that he wanted nothing to do with his native world. Adams goes on to mention that he has learned the details of their final plans and now feels ready to contact the space patrol. They both struggle to escape the hotel simulating many of the events tied to the decathlon. The space patrol is alerted and Warence goes on to repeat the achievements of his hero on his own while Nal Adams looks on.
Appearing in "Solar Olympics of 3000 A.D."
- Appearances not yet listed
See Also