DC Database

"The Furies": A burglary in progress was discovered accidentally in Gotham by old man Van de Meer at his residence , a self reliant non-trusting art collector. It seems the incident in the dark implicated Catwoman stealing a golden pussycat. At the scene, officer Montoya was there and states Ca

Quote1 Listen, Scream Queen, I steal. I don't kill! There's no glamour in it. Quote2

Catwoman/Vampirella is a one-shot with a cover date of February, 1997. It was published on December 18, 1996.

Synopsis for "The Furies"

A burglary in progress was discovered accidentally in Gotham by old man Van de Meer at his residence , a self reliant non-trusting art collector. It seems the incident in the dark implicated Catwoman stealing a golden pussycat. At the scene, officer Montoya was there and states Catwoman’s rap sheet has been clean, and she struck a deal with the government, but Harvey states that a tiger doesn’t change its spots.

Elsewhere a Satanic ritual to K’Thanos including an apparent human sacrifice was in play. Apparently, a man named Pendragon thought it was a real cult, but Vampirella vanquishes it and exposes the hoax. As they’re leaving the scene, Vampirella sees a newspaper article about a cat monster heist, and acknowledges how she had orders from Lilith to investigate that kind of stuff.

Catwoman is interrupted by a sting operation from the police, and they draw their guns, trying to use deadly force to apprehend her or incapacitate her, but she gets away, and as she is against the back wall of a building, she notices the shadow, apparently thinking it’s the Batman, but it’s not.

It turns out to be Vampirella, and she thinks that Catwoman is the cat monster, but Catwoman tells her that she’s the one with the teeth and the claws and questions whether she’s looked in the mirror lately , but states “or don’t you have a reflection.” Vampirella offers a chance to surrender and repent, and that she could help her turn back her feral ways. She claims that Catwoman is a shape shifting monster. But when she’s up close, she acknowledges that Catwoman is entirely human, and questions that perhaps she is wrong.

The two of them make an alliance to find the creature and Catwoman volunteers that she knows who might be in the market to buy and it’s related to Vinnie. But after interrogation and rough handedness from Vampirella, they find out that he did not have any information. Catwoman then suggested they should see the Penguin and try to entice the information out of him. When they meet, they seem to be set-up to locate the Dowager Empress cats from a Japanese Emperor.

Renee Montoya’s is working overtime and think she finds some evidence of the fur belonging to a black panther and linked to Cobblepot or the Penguin. Later, the two furies are surrounded by the henchmen of Cobbelpot and with the destruction of some of the fine art Catwoman calls them Philistines. Vampirella tells Catwoman she’s irreplaceable as well while saving her life. They seem pinned down when a howl from a were- creature breaks in and disbands the henchman.

Vampirella and the creature,that calls her self Pantha, attack each other, and possibly to the death. This leaves Catwoman alone, and she can get the Dowager’s cat mask, but then her conscience gets the best of her and wonders if she should help Vamparella. Vampirella is getting the best of pantha and she morphs back into a human form, pretending to surrender, but takes the opportunity to drive a wood stake into Vampirella’s side. Catwoman Interrupts and was able to run Pantha off.

Later, Catwoman and Vampirella, go to Cobblepot’s place of business, and his female consort takes off her wig, and is revealed to be none other than Pantha. Vampirella has Pendragon try and tranquilze her, but he misses. Eventually, she grabs the darts and tranquilizes Pantha. She is a private investigator and her name is Shari Parker. Someone has been stealing one of her client’s cat related items, and the trail led to Penguin and Shari Parker was trying to get them back for her client. They all part ways as friends, and perhaps will meet again.

Appearing in "The Furies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Pendragon


Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
