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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Mary Seward (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I'm Mary Seward. Queen of Blood. The baddest bitch who ever lived. Being a vampire gave me my powers. But being me made me awesome.'' Quote2

--Mary Seward (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Stop back-seat murdering, Andrew! I know what I'm doing! Quote2

--Mary Seward (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm not some weepy little flower. I'm Mary Seward. Queen of Blood. The baddest bitch who ever lived. Being a vampire gave me my powers. But being me made me awesome. Quote2

--Mary Seward (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Ugh, look. I was evil for half a millennia. The one thing I learned--as much as it pisses me off, the bad guy never wins. I mean, seriously, I'm way smarter than Andrew ever was, and he kept winning! Now, look, I went for a little walk-and-talk on the ethereal plane, and it's become clear to me that, essentially--back off, dye-job--I'm here to kill you mooks. Quote2

--Mary Seward (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Today is a big day. And we start each day right. With a very...very...healthy breakfast. My name is Mary Seward. Now they call me Mary, Queen of Blood. And it's amazing to be me. Quote2

--Mary Seward (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Y'know, I was going along all happy about to take over the world. Probably going to score with Batman... and now I've got a primordial evil co-opting my army... A bunch of mystical morons all around me... and Andrew's 'boyfriend' and his stupid kid... Quote2

--Mary Seward (Prime Earth)

All items (6)
