This page contains a listing of all known Characters created by Irwin Hasen.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Irwin Hasen" as a Creator.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Irwin Hasen" as a Creator.
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All items (72)
- Ted Grant (Arkhamverse)
- Ted Grant (Arrowverse)
- Ted Grant (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Ted Grant (DC Legends)
- Ted Grant (DC Super Hero Girls)
- Ted Grant (DCAU)
- Ted Grant (Earth-16)
- Ted Grant (Earth-21)
- Ted Grant (Earth-40)
- Ted Grant (Earth-One)
- Ted Grant (Ignite)
- Ted Grant (Injustice)
- Ted Grant (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Ted Grant (New Earth)
- Ted Grant (Prime Earth)
- Ted Grant (Smallville)
- Ted Grant (The Brave and the Bold)
- Theodore Grant (Earth 2)
- Thomas Snow (Arrowverse)
- Tony Barrett (Earth-Two)
- Trapper (Earth-Two)