DC Database

Quote1 I've been watching you...you're very good. But you can't stop me. None of them could...Not in Chicago or Atlanta or here. Quote2
— The Seattle Slasher src

The Seattle Slasher was a serial killer operating out of Seattle, who came into conflict with Green Arrow.

Budry was a "tunnel rat" in the U.S. Army's II Corps, during Vietnam War. At some point, possibly due to the severe stresses he endured in conflict, he snapped and developed a compulsion to kill as a means to obtain gratification and pleasure, removing and collecting ears from his deceased enemies. When his superiors began noticing this, they exploited his murderous tendencies to carry out covert political assassinations. However, he ended up killing a random prostitute in Saigon, at which point his handlers realized they couldn't control him anymore, and they just sent him back into service hoping he would have died in action.

Instead, Budry survived and was later discharged. Reinstated into civilian life, he became a recluse and started killing again, preying on prostitutes in Chicago, Atlanta, and Seattle. There, he was finally confronted by Green Arrow, who had recently moved from Star City, and had managed to track him down to his liar, in the underground old Seattle. Budry struck the hero from behind, neutralizing him long enough to run away on the streets. He was eventually killed by Shado with an arrow to his back, just as he was on his way to kill another hooker.[1]



  • Knife: Budry wielded a knife he used to kill prostitutes and practice ritual mutilations on them.

  • In 1987 (when Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters was first published), the Seattle area was still gripped with fear because of the murders committed by the so-called "Green River Killer", who, just like Budry, preyed on prostitutes. Interestingly enough, it was eventually revealed the perpetrator, Gary Ridgway, also served in Vietnam as a member of the U.S. Navy. (Wikipedia: Gary Ridgway)



Green Arrow 0024
Green Arrow Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of Green Arrow, or his supporting cast including Black Canary and Team Arrow. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Green Arrow Villains."
