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"Hammer and Sickle": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 It figured, Andre! I haven't met a Red yet that can take defeat with a smile! When they lost that election I knew they'd start trouble! Quote2
— Blackhawk

Blackhawk #83 is an issue of the series Blackhawk (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1954.

Synopsis for "Hammer and Sickle"

Appearing in "Hammer and Sickle"

Featured Characters:


  • Communist Party
    • undercover NKVD agents: Boris, others
    • Ambassador Vashti
    • Marshal Karkow, Ref Flag Project
    • Red Flag Project General
    • Hammer (arrested)
    • Sickle (arrested)

Other Characters:

  • Peace Commissioner Allen
  • Mr. Jenkins, U.W. official
  • U.W. transport pilot




  • six Blackhawk Lockheed F-90C interceptors
  • United World transport helicopter
  • United World 4-engine transport liner
  • Soviet MiG fighter

Synopsis for Chop Chop: "Fox Hunt"

This story is reprinted from Blackhawk #53.

Chop Chop gets invited to a fox hunt by Mrs. Reginald Vanderhoof of Moneysunk Inn, Mahwah, NJ. Not knowing anything about fox hunts, Chop Chop consults Confucius, where he reads, "When something foxy going on, use head." Chop Chop has trouble with his horse. It bucks him off and he hits the fox with his head, knocking them both out.

Appearing in Chop Chop: "Fox Hunt"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Mrs. Reginald Vanderhoof


Synopsis for "Trapped In the Kremlin"

Appearing in "Trapped In the Kremlin"

Featured Characters:


  • Malenkov
    • his bodyguards
    • Madame Double Cross (arrested)
      • her troops (all die)

Other Characters:

  • world press reporters



  • fake Soviet H-Bomb Papers


  • Soviet fake trawler / torpedo boat (Destroyed)
  • U.S. warship (Destroyed)
  • six Blackhawk Lockheed F-90C interceptors
  • borrowed motor launch
  • Madame's armored car
  • Soviet freight train

Synopsis for "The Magnetic Mountain"

Appearing in "The Magnetic Mountain"

Featured Characters:


  • Queen Lorelei, ex-espionage agent (Apparent death)
    • her ex-Nazi & ex-Soviet lost pilots (some die)
  • Marko, inventor (Apparent death)

Other Characters:

  • Amy Hart, missing aviatrix
  • Gesser & Colin, missing pilots since 1936
  • other missing aviators


  • Magnetic Mountain ("a Sargasso Sea of the Sky")


  • a democratic nation's new jet bomber
  • Marko's Anti-Gravitator aircraft
  • Blackhawk's hand-built glider (Destroyed)
  • many assorted aircraft, mostly unflyable


  • Blackhawk Island doesn't appear in any of these stories.
  • The Magnetic Mountain
    • The Blackhawk Jets don't appear in the fourth story.
    • Blackhawk deliberately crashes his glider into a taxiing bomber. This is at least his twenty-first plane-crash, and his sixth deliberate crash.[1] Over the course of his long combat career, Blackhawk survived at least twenty-two aircraft crashes.[2] Being a Blackhawk is dangerous.
  • Also featured in this issue of Blackhawk was:
    • "Amateur Red Killer" (text story)

See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Superboy Vol 4 69
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