Aquaman: Andromeda #3 is an issue of the series Aquaman: Andromeda (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2022. It was published on October 18, 2022.
Synopsis for "Aquaman: Andromeda, Book Three"
When Arthur Curry was a boy, his father told him a story about Atlantis, his mother's kingdom. Long ago, Atlantean mages tapped into source of power called the Darkworld which could make thoughts into reality. They became wealthy and powerful through this, but one day the Darkworld made the greatest fear of every Atlantean a reality- the city sank beneath the waves. The great sorcerer Ahri'ahn banished the Darkworld into space and, although he could not stop the city sinking, he and his fellow mages were able to prevent the city being destroyed and alter their people to survive underwater. However, one night as he dreamed Ahri'ahn had a terrifying thought- what if one day the Darkworld fell back into the sea?
In the present day, on the Andromeda, a panicking Anders tries to surface the ship. Yvette and another scientist named Zhen try to stop him but he wards them off with a gun. The warships on the surface detect the Andromeda and fire on it. While Anders is distracted Zhen tries to tackle him, and outside the submarine Aquaman stops the missile, but the shockwave still rocks the ship. In the struggle, Anders shoots and kills Zhen. Ivanov takes the gun from him and the severely injured pilot Burke takes command. He orders them to remove the Andromeda's experimental black hole generator drive so they can use it to destroy the crashed ship.
Yvette slips out of the ship to look for Aquaman, finds him unconscious on the ocean floor and brings him onto the Andromeda. Meanwhile, Anders uses the USB stick Black Manta gave him to signal the pirates and give them access to the Andromeda's systems. The Andromeda gets into position alongside the Darkworld's ship and Aquaman regains consciousness. He goes out to distract the Darkworld while Yvette and Ivanov carry the generator into the ship. Black Manta's crew board the Andromeda after Yvette and Ivanov leave and murder Burke and Anders.
Meanwhile, Black Manta is already on board the Darkworld's ship and has reached the central chamber. Aquaman also heads in to confront the Darkworld and finds Manta battling a giant version of him. The giant tosses Manta aside and Arthur fights it while Yvette and Ivanov carry the bomb into position. They reach the detonation site but find that they have lost contact with the Andromeda. Ivanov realises that the others are dead and unable to send the remote detonation signal, meaning he will have to stay behind and set it off manually. She tries to convince him to try another way but Ivanov, who is haunted by atrocities he committed in the Yugoslav Wars, wants to kill himself and makes her leave him behind.
The Darkworld overpowers Aquaman and has him at its mercy, but Black Manta refuses to let anyone else kill him and channels all remaining power in his suit into a single optic laser blast, collapsing the roof of the chamber onto the giant. Yvette escapes the ship as Ivanov detonates the bomb, creating a small, temporary black hole that swallows up the Darkworld's ship, the Andromeda and Black Manta's submarine. Yvette is almost pulled into the event horizon but Arthur saves her and carries her and Manta to the surface. He leaves Yvette at Soatha's village and disappears back under the sea.
Appearing in "Aquaman: Andromeda, Book Three"
Featured Characters:
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry) (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Soatha (Flashback and main story)
- Tom Curry (First appearance) (Flashback only)
- Yvette Verne (Flashback and main story)
- Black Manta (David Hyde)
- Kappa (Dies)
- Styx (Dies)
- Wake (Dies)
- Darkworld/"Bane of Atlantis" (Dies) (Real name revealed)
Other Characters:
- Andromeda crew
- Alexei Ivanov (Dies) (Flashback and main story)
- Anders (Dies)
- Burke (Dies)
- Hue Yi Zhen (Dies) (Full name revealed)
- Captain Feldt (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Homo Magi/Atlanteans (Flashback only)
- Ahri'ahn (First appearance) (Flashback only)
- Captain Franco (Flashback only)
- Atlan (Mentioned only)
- Atlanna (Mentioned only)
- Vincent Verne (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Adriatic Sea (Flashback only)
- Atlantis (Flashback only)
- Pacific Ocean
- Russia
- United States of America
- Amnesty Bay (Flashback only)
- Curry Lighthouse (Flashback only)
- California
- UC Berkley (Mentioned only)
- Amnesty Bay (Flashback only)
- Aquaman's Trident
- Quantum gravity propulsion drive (Destroyed)
- Atlantean prison ship (Destroyed)
- Andromeda (submarine) (Destroyed)
- Manta-Sub (Destroyed)
- Final issue.
See Also