Adventures of Superman #625 is an issue of the series Adventures of Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2004.
Synopsis for "Godfall, Part 2 of 6: Unravel"
Kal stands away from the fire, watching his assailants flee into the night. He thinks about the powers that suddenly erupted and then vanished just as quickly as the Citizen's Patrol Corps descends from the sky. As they extinguish the fire, one of the patrol asks Kal if he needs assistance. Kal says he is fine as he backs away.
Kal walks with Lyla, telling her about the previous night. She tells him that part of it was probably his mind playing tricks on him, because she knows her husband and he does not shoot fire from his eyes. She wants him to get help though, she feels like she is losing him. Kal walks up to the glass wall and stares out into the Kryptonian sky. He thinks there has to be more than just this.
Suddenly a vehicle crashes through the glass, pushing Lyla to the ground. One of the bandits grabs Kal and carries him through the other side of the building, flinging him out into the open sky. A part of Kal is relieved that the nightmare will finally be over. Then suddenly he realizes he isn't falling. He feels more alive than he ever has. He can fly.
Lyla is shocked but the attackers attribute it to an antigrav belt and pull out their weapons. Kal narrows his eyes and blasts back into the building, catching the man as he passes and carrying back out into the sky. The attacker tells him he isn't scared, but Kal says that he should be, he doesn't know how to stop.
Crashing into the ground, Kal finds himself at the home of his friend Kon-Lar. As the attacker staggers up, he taunts Kal. With a yell, Kal tells the man to leave him alone, and unwillingly emits a blast of cold from his mouth. As the attacker runs away, Kal looks on in horror to see the man's friends frozen solid in a gigantic block of ice. Kal rushes forward and pounds on the ice, but his powers have deserted him again. He continues to hit the ice until it runs red with his blood.
That night, Lyla finds her husband cowering in the shadows, his eyes and hands bandaged. He tells her not to approach, but Lyla tells him that he isn't a monster. She removes the covering over his eyes and cradles his head in her arms. They'll figure everything out, somehow.
As the landscape shrinks away, the island they occupy becomes smaller and smaller, until it can be seen floating in an orb, being watched over by a Kryptonian robot.
Appearing in "Godfall, Part 2 of 6: Unravel"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Kon-Lar
- Kelex
- Citizen's Patrol Corps
Synopsis for "Ode to Patsy Cline"
Two Metropolis police officers crouch behind their squad car, frantically requesting backup while under heavy fire from three bank robbers. Suddenly a Porsche screeches to a halt in front of the bank and a woman steps out. She introduces herself as Lieutenant Lupe Teresa Leocadio, member of the S.C.U. After asking a few questions about the situation, she tells the two officers to relax as she takes care of it.
Walking out from behind the car she draws two pistols and fires a few rounds into the robbers' getaway car, disabling the vehicle. Casually she ejects the clips and reloads her guns. The three robbers fire at her with no effect as she raises a gun again and puts a bullet through the hand of the first man, making him drop his weapon. She quickly does the same to another of the robbers. The last man standing pulls a handgun and fire at her, nicking her ear. The next shot goes through her shoulder but she just keeps on going. Reaching the man, she tells him that he's "no Deadshot" as she holds both handguns to the man's head and informs him that he is under arrest.
The two officers approach Lupe as she pulls off her jacket and fingers the hole in the shoulder. They tell her that they figure she must either be a metahuman, or she's crazy. She tells them that she commands the S.C.U. in the town where Superman fights the Parasite and Doomsday, and she is not a meta. They can figure it out.
Appearing in "Ode to Patsy Cline"
Featured Characters:
- Metropolis Special Crimes Unit
- Lupé Teresa Leocadio-Escudero (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- This issue continues the Godfall storyline from Action Comics #812 and it continues in Superman (Volume 2) #202.
See Also
Links and References
Previous Action Comics #812 |
Superman Navigation 2004 |
Next Superman #202 |