DC Database

Adrianna Tereshkova was Void, a teleporter and member of the Wildcats.

Void assisted her teammate Grifter by teleporting the rest of the Wildcats to his location when he was overwhelmed by enemy opposition while trying to steal files from Lucius Fox. After they had secured the files and defeated their enemies Void teleported everyone back before Batman and Nightwing arrived on the scene.[1]


  • Unique Physiology
    • Flight: Void has the power of unassisted flight.[1]
    • Teleportation: Void can teleport herself and others over long distances.[1]
    • Clairvoyance: Void can keep track of other people' conversations when she is not present in the room[2] and can see others even when they are in a different location.[3]
    • Immortality: Void apparently can't be killed through conventional means as after Grifter shot her in the head multiple times her body simply dissolved before reforming again.[4]


