(A personal profile compliation for me + trivias)

Team Strelizia[]

Strelizia (ストレリチア) ; Birds of Paradise, meaning: splendour, faithfulness, pretentious love, almighty, tolerance, bright future, shining heart, good luck, passion, "the brilliance of the queen", future.

Resembles how Strelizia is considered the most powerful FRANXX in Squad 13, Hiro and Zero Two's faithfulness towards each other.


Name: Hiro (ヒロ) // Code:016 (零一六 ; zeroichiroku)

Name meaning: Hero (ヒーロー) // (英雄 ; Eiyuu)

Birthday: October 15 (Libra)

Birthflower: There are many variations, but the most common for October 15 in Japan are:

  • Sweet Basil; meaning: goodwill, holy, noble, good hope, hatred, good luck
  • Japanese anemone; meaning: patience, fading love.
  • Siebold's Stonecrop; meaning: calm, modesty, longing, "you are precious to me."

Image color: red (FRANXX color), blue.

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Blood type: AB Rh-

First person pronoun: Ore (俺)

Second person pronoun: Kimi (君), Omae (お前)

Hiro refers to his squadmates by name (without honorifics), but calls Hachi and Nana with -san. Usually, Hiro use "kimi" to Zero Two. Hiro loves reading, and he knows some old sayings (ex. "No one can swim in the same river twice." — Heraclitus). Hiro is terrible at art. Hiro used to be a curious, optimistic, hopeful, free-spirited (and a little rebellious) child. He gave the children name based on their code numbers. Since the memory-erase, he stopped doing it, and become more melancholic, believing that piloting is his purpose to live. Over time, he regains his original personality and becomes the one who declares rebellion towards Papa. Miku describes Hiro as "excellent".

Personal opinion: Siebold's Stonecrop seems more fitting to be his birthflower, as it has "longing", which is his longing to be with Zero Two and to be free, and "you are precious to me", meaning he and his comrades cherished each other dearly.

Zero Two[]

Zero Two-icon-BD

Name: Zero Two (ゼロツー) // Code:002 (零零二 ; zerozeroni)

Alternate reading: Oni (零二) ; Demon (鬼)

Other names: 9'ι (ナインイオタ ; Nine Iota)

Birthday: Unknown

Image color: red

Height: About 170 cm

Weight: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

First person pronoun: Boku (ボク)

Second person pronoun: Kimi (キミ)

Zero Two refers to—almost—everyone by name (without honorifics). Zero Two never calls Hiro by his name, only "Darling". Zero Two loves honey. Zero Two has artistic talent. Zero Two seems more knowledgeable about outside world and reproduction compared to the other children, as she is the one who tells Hiro what a kiss is, and even offers to do things beyond kissing with him. Zero Two can know something about someone just by licking them.

At first, Zero Two is a self-confident, smug and assertive girl. She also didn't care much about the lives of others. Her personality took a drastic change when her horns grew. She became cold, angry and uncaring. After Hiro regains his memories, Zero Two's personality becomes more cheerful and friendly. She even considers Squad 13 as her true friends, evidently shown when she happily baths with the girls, planning a wedding for Mitsuru and Kokoro, gets angry and fight the 9's for ruining the wedding. She says the time spent with Squad 13 is her precious treasure.

It is still unknown how Zero Two's body changed from having red skin and large eyes into a normal human body shape, fair skin and normal eye size.

Personal opinion: I hope we can see how her body evolves. It bugs me for a while. Her character development also splendid. It is safe to think that Darlifra's opening and ending themes is from her point of view, since the lyrics use ボク. But it can also means nothing, as Boku and Kimi is how the singer and his/her object of affection are usually referred in J-songs. Someone mentioned that her birthday is February 27 (Pisces). If so, her birthflower would be:

  • Star of Bethlehem; meaning: innocence, purity, talent, disturbance
  • Madonna Lily; meaning: purity
  • Irish Saxifrage; meaning: energy, confidence, deep affection, pretty eyes, distant memories

Team Delphinium[]

Delphinium (デルフィニウム); meaning: "sprinkling happiness to you", generous, delight, ardent attachment, "I will comfort you", secret affection, haughtiness.

"Sprinkling happiness to you" represents how Goro puts Ichigo's happiness over his. Ardent attachment represents their attachment to someone, Ichigo to Hiro, Goro to Ichigo. "I will comfort you" represents that Goro is always there for Ichigo. Secret affection: Ichigo to Hiro, Goro to Ichigo.


Goro BD Icon

Name: Goro (ゴロー) // Code:056 (零五六 ; zerogoroku)

Birthday: Unknown

Image color: blue (FRANXX color).

Height: About 178 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip).

Weight: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

First person pronoun: Ore (俺)

Second person pronoun: Omae (お前), Kimi (君)

Goro calls his squadmates by name, and same as Hiro, only use honorifics to Hachi and Nana. In his monologue about Ichigo, he refers to her with "kimi" instead of usual "omae". Goro enjoys fishing very much. The children even refers to him as "Fishing Coach" and he proudly says he will teach them how to fish. Goro also seems balanced in logic and feelings, as he is rational but he also do what he feels is right (such as, he is one of the people who wants Hiro to meet Zero Two, when she had gone berserk.) Despite his "kind and selfless" personality, Goro is frustrated with Hiro when he wants to go to space instead of staying on earth with the others. He then admits that he is insecure, because he feels safe when they are together. Miku describes Goro as "strong" / "reliable".

Goro never rides with someone other than Ichigo.

Personal opinion: I hope they can develop Goro more, because so far he is the "flawless" one, even likable, I want him to have a flaw too. His birthday, weight, height is also unknown. Sad.

Because his birthday is unknown I will headcanon it's May 6 (Taurus), because 5-6, then his birthflower would be:

  • Cape Jasmine; meaning: happiness, sophisticated, bringer of joy, in a daze, elegance, clean
  • Chinese Ground Orchid; meaning: unchanging love, "I won't forget you"
  • Iris; meaning: love, hope, graceful heart, good news, mysterious person, believing in one's happiness.


Ichigo BD DVD Icon

Name: Ichigo (イチゴ) // Code:015 (零一六 ; zeroichigo)

Name meaning: Strawberry (苺)

Birthday: Unknown

Image color: blue

Height: About 152 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip).

Weight: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

First person pronoun: Atashi (アタシ)

Second person pronoun: Anta (あんた), Omae (お前)

Ichigo refers to his squadmates by names, without honorifics. She calls Hachi and New Nana with -san, but calls Nana, Nana-nee (ナナ姉 ; Big sister Nana), implying she thinks of her as real older sister. She refers to her cat as "omae" rather than "anta". Ichigo loves cute things. Ichigo is implied to be good at swimming. Ichigo learned hard to draw to complete Zero Two's picture book.

Initially pictured as bossy and jealous girl, Ichigo later becomes softer to Zero Two and lets go of her feelings for Hiro, knowing that only he doesn't see her romantically.

Personal opinion: Despite being one of the characters that has the most spotlight, why she doesn't have an official birthday? I will headcanon her birthday in January 5 (Capricorn), from 1-5. Her birthflower would be:

  • Hepatica; meaning: confidence, trust, bitterness, secret, endurance, expectations, reconciliation, pure heart
  • Crocus; meaning: joy of youth, longing, cheerful, envy, unhappy love, reliable, frustration, impatient, "please trust me"
  • Purple Kale; meaning: blessing, covering one's love, profit, charity, imperturbable

Team Argentea[]

Argentea (アルジェンティア) most likely comes from Celosia argentea or Silver Cock's Comb. Meaning: stylish, pretender, a love that will never fade, happiness, curious, emotional, affection.


Zorome BD-DVD icon

Name: Zorome (ゾロメ) // Code:666 (六六六 ; rokurokuroku)

Name meaning: Matching dice (ぞろ目)

Birthday: December 3 (Sagittarius)


  • Lavender; meaning: "I'm waiting for you", expectations, doubt, silence, "Please answer me", delicate.
  • Belladonna Lily; meaning: silence, "look at me as I am"
  • Hyacinth; meaning: sports, games, indiscrimination, dedication to one's first love, unchanging affection, modest love, a love that overcomes sorrow

Image color: pink (FRANXX color)

Height: 161 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Weight: 48 kg (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Blood type: O Rh+

First person pronoun: Ore (俺), Ore-sama (俺サマ)

Second person pronoun: Omae (お前), Teme (てめー)

Zorome speaks very informally. He calls his squadmates by name (no honorifics). The exception to this is Kokoro, whom he calls "Kokoro-chan" (ココロちゃん). He is also kinda perverted, as shown when he ogles at Miku and Kokoro's bodies on the beach, and to Miku when Argentea got hit with a goo. At first, Zorome is brash and treats Hiro badly, but over time he gets kinder to him, and truly considers his squadmates as his friends. Zorome has the highest (lowest?) code number out of the current Squad 13. Zorome and Miku are the only people in Squad 13 who have ahoge. Zorome and Miku never change partners.

Personal opinion: I wish we can get some information of him and the old lady. It never truly confirmed if they were blood-related or not, but he feels something when he's with her.


Miku icon BD-DVD 03

Name: Miku (ミク) // Code:390 (三九零 ; sankyuuzero)

Birthday: March 30 (Aries)


  • Sea Thrift; meaning: sympathy, friendly, pretty, sojourn, attention
  • Scotch Broom; meaning: humility, cleanliness, suffering of love, refined, warmth, happiness, fleeting love
  • Cherry; meaning: good education, little lover, refined, young heart, "I will dedicate my true heart to you"

Image color: pink

Height: About 160 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Weight: unknown

Blood type: unknown

First person pronoun: Miku (ミク)

Second person pronoun: Anta (あんた)

Miku refers to her squadmates by name. Miku is the only Squad 13 member who speaks in third person. Miku is the only Squad 13 member whom Kokoro calls without honorifics. Miku always wants to look cute and pretty. Mirroring Zorome who admires girls, Miku also admires boys but both never showed interest to pursue a relationship.

Personal opinion: I hope that they made an episode focused on her, because she's the only one without it. All we got is Episode 8 but it focuses more on the Boys vs Girls conflict.

Team Genista[]

Genista (ジェニスタ); most likely refers to a genus of flowers. Scotch Broom are considered one of genus Genista, which also considered synonymous with genus Cyticus. Its meanings are: humility, cleanliness, suffering of love, refined, warmth, happiness, fleeting love.

Genista may also refer to Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria). Its meaning is: humility.

Humility may refer to Kokoro, who is also meek, never puts her own voice over other people's, and she never wanted to be treated differently than others. Suffering of love may refer how Mitsuru and Kokoro are suffering because they memories are erased, or how Futoshi got hurt because of Kokoro. Warmth may refer to Kokoro who is warm and friendly to others. Fleeting love may refer to Futoshi's feelings towards Kokoro.


Mitsuru BD-DVD icon

Name: Mitsuru (ミツル) // Code:326 (三二六 ; sanniroku)

Name meaning: Fullness (満)

Birthday: February 6 (Aquarius)


  • Field Mustard; meaning: cheerful, innocence, rivalry, balance, cooperativeness, wealth, a little happiness
  • Oyster Leaf; meaning: unchanging
  • Yellow Crocus; meaning: joy of youth, longing, delight, frustration, "please believe in me"

Image color: green (FRANXX color)

Height: 165 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Weight: 52 kg (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Blood type: AB Rh-

First person pronoun: Boku (僕)

Second person pronoun: Anata (あなた), Omae (お前)

Mitsuru has the most polite/formal speech manner out of Squad 13 children. Mitsuru refers to his squadmates without honorifics. Kokoro is an exception, as he calls her "Kokoro-san" (ココロさん), meaning he wasn't very close with her, or he respects her. Mitsuru usually use "anata" to refer to other people, the only person he used "omae" with is Hiro, and that's only when Mitsuru is angry with Hiro. Originally created to be Hiro's 'rival', their relationship isn't shown that much after Hiro helped Mitsuru realizing his feelings for Kokoro and Hiro rebelling against Papa on their behalf. Mitsuru states that he used to read books Hiro did when they were little, indirectly admitting his admiration for Hiro.

Miku describes Mitsuru as "cool".

Before the 9's discovery of the baby book, Mitsuru is the only one who knows about it and he keeps it a secret from everyone else. In the manga, he evens skims through the book.

Before the 9's discovery of the baby book, he is the only person who knows about the book is in Kokoro's possession. In the manga, he even skimming through the pages of the book.

Personal opinion: King of character development. It's still unclear whether he and Kokoro regains their memories back. I hope they do, even though I love that they fall in love all over again, something is just missing without their memories.


Kokoro icon BD-DVD

Name: Kokoro (ココロ) // Code:556 (五五六 ; gogoroku)

Name meaning: Heart (心)

Birthday: June 6 (Gemini)


  • Iris; meaning: love, hope, graceful heart, good news, mysterious person, believing in one's happiness
  • Beardtongue; meaning: "I am enchanted by you", longing for beauty, courage, lost love.
  • Masterwort; meaning: thirst of love, intelligence, wishing upon a star.

Image color: green

Height: 160 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Weight: 52 kg (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Blood type: O Rh+

First person pronoun: Watashi (私)

Second person pronoun: Anata (あなた)

Kokoro is kind, friendly, warm, and full of compassion. A Madonna-like existence to the boys. She refers to her male squadmates with honorifics -kun and female ones with -chan. She also calls Alpha, "Alpha-kun" and Delta, "Delta-chan". She refers to Hachi and Nana respectfully, using -san. The only exceptions are Miku and Ai, whom she calls without any honorifics. Kokoro rarely use the second person pronoun to refer to other people, preferring to refer to them by names. The only one time she use "anata" is to refer to Mitsuru when they both lost their memories. Kokoro is skilled at sewing, shown as she is making a baby doll by herself and as she is shown sewing during her pregnancy, it is safe to assume she made Ai's clothes as well. Kokoro is also knowledgeable about plants and flowers.

The only one who has knowledge about reproduction besides Zero Two, she keeps this knolwedge a secret until she decides to make a move on Mitsuru and when the 9's discovers her book. In the anime, Kokoro hurriedly hides her book when she dropped it, but in the manga, she seems fine with other people knowing about the book, letting Mitsuru skimming through the pages without any embarrassment on her face.

In the manga, Kokoro is shown to be bedridden because at that time she is on her period.

Originally meek and has the "following-the-herd" personality, she begins to change when she decides to pilot with Mitsuru, hurting Futoshi. She feels guilty about this, which carries on until two years later, where Futoshi states he already moved on, Kokoro finally lets go of her guilt.

True to her name, she is the driving force for Squad 13 to think about their future, that there is a life beyond piloting, that they are not machines for the adults and Papa. While Zero Two (through Hiro) introduced the Squad about kissing, Kokoro introduced the concept of reproduction to them, not wanting to die as only parasites but want to leave a mark for the future.

Even though the 9's and Nana berated her, the saying "the heart wants what it wants" is proven true here since she is shown to still holding on to her wish and have an intimate relationship with Mitsuru, despite knowing the consequences. She gets her wish, she has a child (children!) with the man she loves and creating a happy family with him.

Personal opinion: She has the most Wins in this show. I stan a queen.

Team Chlorophytum[]

Chlorophytum (クロロフィッツ) most likely refers to Chlorophytum comosum or Spider Plant. Meaning: protective love, gathering happiness, celebration, prosperity of descendants.

Protective love may refer to Futoshi's overprotectiveness for Kokoro, and Ikuno for Ichigo. Prosperity of descendants refers to how Futoshi becomes a renowned baker and have two children with third on the way.


Futoshi icon BD-DVD 05

Name: Futoshi (フト̪シ) // Code:214 (二一四 ; niichiyon)

Name meaning: Thick (太)

Birthday: Unknown

Image color: purple (FRANXX color)

Height: About 177 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Weight: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

First person pronoun: Ore (俺)

Second person pronoun: Omae (お前)

Futoshi refers to his squadmates with names, without honorifics. The only exception is Kokoro, whom he calls Kokoro-chan, the same as Zorome does. Futoshi is a guy with a big heart. Originally putting Kokoro on a pedestal, he learned the hard way that Kokoro doesn't share the same feelings and wants her and Mitsuru to be happy together. This is shown when he doesn't hold a grudge against Kokoro for switching partners and doesn't take advantage of her memories being wiped. Futoshi has bullimia, although it is unknown if he still has the disorder when he reaches adulthood.

His overprotectiveness is exaggerated in the manga, where he initially objects Kokoro's idea to save Alpha and Delta out of concern for her safety. Later, he realized that Mitsuru and Kokoro need each other and propose the partner shuffle with Ikuno.

It's also implied that Futoshi—before the partner shuffle—always held back when fighting because he didn't want to hurt Kokoro. With Ikuno, he doesn't hold back and goes all out in a fight.

Miku describes Futoshi as "calm" / "gentle".

Personal opinion: What a good guy. Third best boy for me. I headcanon his birthday is on February 14 (Aquarius) (Valentine's day!) because 2-14. His birthflower would be:

  • Chamomile; meaning: endurance in adversity, reconciliation, friendship, "I will heal you".
  • Acacia; meaning: elegance, friendship, secret love, whimsical love
  • Cineraria; meaning: joy, cheerful, pure love, hope

Well, all of them suits him.


Ikuno BD-DVD icon

Name: Ikuno (イクノ) // Code:196 (一九六 ; ichikyuuroku)

Birthday: Unknown

Image color: purple

Height: About 169 cm (age 14-15) ; unknown (after timeskip)

Weight: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

First person pronoun: Watashi (私)

Second person pronoun: Anta (あんた)

Ikuno calls her squadmates by name, without honorifics. Ikuno is a quiet girl, doesn't talk much with others and had a hostile relationship with Mitsuru. Later, it becomes clear that she actually wants to pilot with a pistil (specifically: Ichigo). She later accepts Futoshi as her partner and works really well with him. Ikuno—in the manga and drama CD—always comforts Futoshi whenever he is hurt. She shares his sentiments about protecting the ones they love and wants to try their hardest to win their loved ones' heart. Later, she forms a relationship with Naomi and she is the one who taking care of Ikuno.

Personal opinion: She deserves happiness. Period. Thank you Naomi for being there for her. Birthday headcanon: October 6. One year only has 12 months. Ikuno's code=196. 1+9=10. So, October 6. Her birthflower would be:

  • Patrinia scabiosifolia; meaning: kindness, beauty, fleeting love, eternity, patience, promise keeper
  • Lily turf; meaning: hidden feelings, endurance, humility
  • Red Cosmos; meaning: love, harmony




Name: Naomi (ナオミ) // Code:703 (七零三 ; nanazerosan)

Birthday: Unknown

Image color: yellow

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

First person pronoun: Watashi (私)

Second person pronoun: Anta (あんた)

Nothing much is known about Naomi, because she only appears in the first and last episodes. But from what we have seen, she seems to be a nice and gentle girl. It's cute that she stays with Ikuno through the thick and thin and they definitely deserve to be happy together.

Personal opinion: What if she met Zero Two? That would've been...interesting. Also, her birthday in my headcanon is July 3. 7-03. Her birthflower would be:

  • Lotus; meaning: calm, holy, estranged love, eloquence, rest, composure, "please save me"
  • Trailing Ice Plant; meaning: affection of the wide-hearted, patriotism, idleness, merits, endurance, relaxed, innocence, pretty, adaptability
  • Morning Star Lily; meaning: "you are beautiful because you are strong", pride, unchanging loveliness, pretty affection


Ai icon

Name: Ai (アイ)

Name meaning: Love (愛)

Birthday: January 10


  • Freesia; meaning: innocence, deep affection, friendship, trust
  • Stock; meaning: the bond of love, earnest, courtship, simplicity, eternal love, eternal beauty, a future to look forward to, peace, compassion, contentment, promptness
  • Japanese Box; meaning: firm, perseverance, abstinence, indifference, composure

Image color: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

First person pronoun: Unknown

Second person pronoun: Unknown

The first child of Mitsuru and Kokoro, also the first child in a century. Seems to be a cheerful and curious (a little bit michievous) child, as she asks Miku about her parents when they were younger. Put her, Kokoro's, and Mitsuru's names together then you got: My heart is full love.

Personal opinion: Whoever thought of this, I want to give them an applause. Must protect Ai at any cost.