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Scraps of Life (生命の残滓) is a hex in Dark Souls II.

In-Game Description

An esoteric spell created by Navlaan, the infamous exiled sorcerer. Awakens the souls of the long-buried dead.
The heretic Navlaan was executed along with his entire village, and the mere utterance of his name became a crime. Some say it was because he sought to restore the banned art of resurrection.
Catalyst: sacred chime


General information[]

Very similarly to Firestorm and its variants, releases black soul pillars for eight seconds when cast; unlike Firestorm variants, however, the player is able to move before the spell is finished, but the player must kneel down when first casting the spell. Each pillar deals moderate amounts of damage, but has a somewhat small individual area of effect.

Attunement milestones[]

Like all other spells, the amount of casts per slot increases upon reaching certain Attunement milestones:

Attunement Level Amount of Casts
10 4
32 5
43 6
58 7
94 8


In-Game Description

An esoteric spell created by Navlaan, the infamous exiled sorcerer. Awakens the souls of the long-buried dead.
The heretic Navlaan was executed along with his entire village, and the mere utterance of his name became a crime. Some say it was because he sought to restore the banned art of resurrection.

In-Game Description

魔術師の異端として伝承に残る ナヴァーランの秘術 地に眠る古い死者の魂を呼び醒ます
異端者ナヴァーランは、一族諸共に処刑され、その名は禁じられたものとなった 一説には、彼は禁忌とされる 転生の秘術を追い求めていたという

In-Game Description

Secret art of Navlaan, known in legends as an heretic sorcerer. Awakens the souls of the long-buried dead.
The heretic Navlaan was executed along with his entire family and his name became forbidden. One theory is that he was pursuing the taboo secret art of reincarnation.

AffinityClimaxDark DanceDark FogDark GreatswordDark HailDark OrbDark WeaponDarkstormDead Again
Great Resonant SoulLifedrain PatchNumbnessProfound StillPromised Walk of PeaceRecollectionRepel
Resonant FleshResonant SoulResonant WeaponScraps of LifeTwisted BarricadeWhisper of Despair