Projected Heal (放つ回復) is a miracle in Dark Souls III: The Ringed City.
In-Game Description
- A miracle discovered in the last days of Lothric. Toss a light that heals those near the point of impact.
- Even those who had forgotten the caress and bounty of the Princess of Sunlight did their best to recall her image. The stories spun about her were most certainly childish, and yet gravely sincere.
Found in The Dreg Heap. After meeting Amnesiac Lapp for the first time, progress through the area past him guarded by numerous Murkmen. Upon reaching the area overlooking the Harald Legion Knight, look to the right, where there is an ash pile at the bottom of a drop leading to a battlement remnant being patrolled by a banner-wielding Lothric Knight and several Murkmen. Drop onto the ash pile below and clear the area, the Miracle will be on a corpse behind a summoning Murkman.
The caster fires an orb that heals everything in its vicinity upon hitting a surface. Has the same animation as Emit Force. All allied players affected by the spell will be healed for 1.7 times the Spell Buff rating of the catalyst. For catalysts that also scale with Intelligence such as Crystal Chime and Sunless Talisman, only the Spell Buff from Faith is taken into account.
In-Game Description
- A miracle discovered in the last days of Lothric. Toss a light that heals those near the point of impact.
- Even those who had forgotten the caress and bounty of the Princess of Sunlight did their best to recall her image. The stories spun about her were most certainly childish, and yet gravely sincere.
In-Game Description
- その終末期に、ロスリックで見出された奇跡 光を投げつけ、着弾地点周囲のHPを回復する
- 太陽の光の王女 その癒しと恵みを忘れた人々は それでもなお、彼女の後姿を思い描き 稚拙だが、真剣な物語を紡いだのだ
In-Game Description
- Miracle discovered in Lothric during its final period. Throws a light and restores HP around the impact point.
- Those who had forgotten the healing and blessings of the Princess of the Sun's light still depicted the back of her figure and weaved a childish but earnest story.