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Irithyllian Beast-Hounds are enemies in Dark Souls III.


Savage hounds that stalk the streets of the city, these creatures have a human skull for a head and glowing blue, human-like eyes. They also have long tails which they hold up when aware of your presence.


Found throughout the streets of Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, after the Church of Yorshka. A few are also found on the other side of the city, leading up to Pontiff Sulyvahn's boss room.


These creatures are identical in attack patterns to Starved Hounds, although they are larger and slightly stronger. Their attacks can cause Frostbite, so the player should be a little more cautious when engaging them as they often appear alongside Irithyllian Slaves. They also can detect you if you are using the Hidden Body sorcery, even if it is coupled with Spook/ the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring.

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