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Ultimate Annihilation (才囚学園の破壊 lit. The Destruction of Gifted Inmates Academy) is the last execution featured in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, with Tsumugi Shirogane, Monokuma, and the entire academy being executed by K1-B0. In the end K1-B0 committed suicide by destroying himself along with the entire Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles.

Shuichi Saihara, Himiko Yumeno, and Maki Harukawa, who were supposed to be executed as well, managed to survive the end of the Killing Game.


Due to the unexpected outcome of the last trial, where no one casts their votes; Tsumugi and Monokuma were forced to end Danganronpa. But since just ending things would be a crappy way to end the franchise, they decide to finish it with one last execution, as they don't want to live in a world without the series. Since this was an unexpected execution, Tsumugi hadn't prepared a proper one and she trusted the work to K1-B0; to execute herself and Monokuma.


Launching from the Class Trial room, K1-B0 starts to make quick work of the Academy by rapidly zipping around and shooting everything in sight with his laser weapons. It then cuts to Tsumugi on the front door of the academy cosplaying as Junko Enoshima, imitating her hand waving and happy grin in The Ultimate Punishment. Though when Monokuma swoops in, she changes back to her true expression of saddened dissapointment, both of them waving goodbye to the audience right before getting crushed into a bloody pulp by falling debris.

K1-B0 then shoots a massive laser blast that destroys all the skyscrapers surrounding the Academy and looks down for any survivors, he sees a bit of rubble moving, smiles, presses his self-destruct button and blasts off directly into the End Wall, shattering the glass cage and creating an opening to the outside world in a gigantic explosion. As everything fades to white, the execution music gives out one last wail, and Danganronpa comes to an end.


When the audience from the outside world decided to abandon Danganronpa, this reality show series created by Team Danganronpa is no more and marked the 53rd Killing Game as the last season of the story. This execution led into Danganronpa V3's epilogue, where the survivors ponder the actual nature of the killing game, the mastermind, and the outside world, before proceeding into it together.


  • Like most other executions, this one begins with a pixel art-style animation. However, unlike most, which feature the trial's blackened being dragged off-screen by Monokuma, this one instead features Tsumugi, Shuichi, Himiko, Maki, and Monokuma stood in front of a hovering K1-B0, before he puts on his mask and flies off. It has the text "Tsumugi, Shuichi, Himiko, and Maki will receive punishment. Time to destroy the Ultimate Academy."
  • This execution was of the most characters at once of any in the series.


v  e
Trigger Happy Havoc
Blast Off!Spears of GungnirThe 1,000 BlowsThe Cage of DeathThe Burning of the Versailles WitchExcavator DestroyerAfter School LessonThe Ultimate Punishment
Danganronpa 2:
Goodbye Despair
Monobeast ExecutionDeep Fried TeruteruOne Woman ArmyAkane Owari's ExecutionBye-Bye Ouchies!Gundham Tanaka StampedePlease Insert CoinForced Shutdown
Another Episode:
Ultra Despair Girls
Executions in Danganronpa Another Episode
Danganronpa V3:
Killing Harmony
Der FlohwalzerStrand of AgonyCultural Melting PotWild West InsecticideBlast Off! Second IgnitionUltimate Annihilation
Danganronpa 3:
The End of
Hope's Peak High School
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