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Criminal Minds Wiki

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You don't care about me or my brother. You just as soon shoot us dead in the street.
Wells to Prentiss

Marcus Wells is a budding spree killer, abductor, and the leader of a sibling killing team with his brother James. They appear in the Season Fourteen episode "Twenty Seven".


See section on Wells Brothers page

Twenty Seven

See section on Wells Brothers page

Modus Operandi

The M.O. of both Marcus and his brother, James, consisted of abducting their victims from areas that the victims were familiar with and transporting them to areas where they weren't likely to be on a daily basis. Once in those unfamiliar areas, either James or Marcus would chase down the victim with machetes and slash/stab at them when they caught up.

These attacks were often to take place every 27 minutes based on the response time it took for an ambulance to arrive when their brother, Tom, was on the verge of dying.

Known Victims

  • November 14, 2018:
    • 12:05 pm, Noma: Charles O'Neill (survived the initial attack, but later died of his injuries)
    • 12:31 pm, Trindad: Kary Karlsson (survived)
    • 12:58 pm, K Street: Park Ji Sung (survived)
    • 1:25 pm, Heights Park: Unnamed man (died at the scene)



