This is a comprehensive list of every single Cow and Chicken episode produced from its entry to Cartoon Network on July 15, 1997, to its last episode produced in July 24, 1999. This covers all 52 episodes, and the pilot.
Cow and Chicken are brother and sister whom belong to a human family. Chicken is revealed to have started smoking, so Cow threatens to tell mom and dad if he does not play with her. He unhappily accepts, but while they are playing Red Guy offers him a cigarette and he accepts, telling cow he is a "big boy". Chicken is taken to the underworld by the Red Guy and it's up to his sister Cow to save him as SuperCow.
Cow gets a part time job at a milk farm in order for her to get a Crabs the Warthog doll. When Chicken tries to apply for a part time job, he soon ends up in danger.
Chicken wakes up one morning to find that he is molting. He soon uses this to his advantage when he learns that he can get paid for all the feathers he loses.