Snow on the Black Wall[]
Dire Straits[]
Shortly before the events of Snow on the Black Wall, the Black Citadel's First Watcher Caramel Arrow Cookie had put in efforts to aid the abandoned citizens of the kingdom by sharing with them her own rations during her personal time. Affogato Cookie, seeking to be rid of those who could interfere with his plans of treachery, claimed to King Dark Cacao Cookie's court that this was an act of evading her responsibilities to instead spend leisure time in the villages. He also mentions to Dark Cacao Cookie that she had been handing out rations that were "likely stolen from the citadel's pantries".
Upon Caramel Arrow Cookie's attempts to defend herself and explain that she was fairly helping the kingdom's people, Affogato Cookie twisted her words into disrespect towards those present; he posited that she was "accusing [the] humble court of failing to serve [their] Cookies" and "implying that His Majesty's aides are selfish, greedy, and conniving" before advising Dark Cacao Cookie to banish her from the Citadel entirely. The King agreed, telling Caramel Arrow Cookie that her spirit had "always been one with the wilds" and that she had no need to return. She begrudgingly followed her King's orders and retreated from the Citadel. After her banishment, she continued to spend time in the wilderness to protect the Dark Cacao Kingdom and its citizens in her own way.
The Awakening of White Apathy[]
When the Pale Ailment started infecting the Cookies in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, Caramel Arrow Cookie arrived, wanting a status report on the treatments.