Tiger Lily Cookie is a Mythic unit released on November 15th, 2018 alongside her Pet, Meat King. She acts as a Ranged Unit that can jump to anywhere on the map, including red zones.
- Basic Skill: Throws her spear to attack faraway enemies.
- Special Skill: Pounces to enemies anywhere on the battlefield on her Butter Tiger, dealing area damage.
- Combi Bonus: Special Skill stuns enemies in an area for 3 seconds.
Tiger Lily Cookie is a merely upgraded version of Pancake Cookie. She has the ability to be placed anywhere on the battlefield, and can also be good for distracting units out of her range. Obtaining Meat King will surely be efficient, as she will have the ability to stun enemies for 3 seconds when landing. She is certainly a force to be reckoned with.
NOTE: Using for attacking the enemy bases immediately ISN'T a good idea, as she will just attack the support structure. This only applies to PvP Mode & Stages with support structures. Otherwise, it is ok to attack them.
Grade | Level | HP | Basic Damage | Special Area Damage | Basic Skill Base Damage |
S | 1 | 1937 | 1056 | 1479 | 316 |
2 | 1957 | 1067 | 1494 | 319 | |
30 | 2529 | 1379 | 1931 | 413 |
Grade | Level | HP |
Basic Damage |
Special Area Damage | Basic Skill Base Damage |
S+ | 1 | 2557 | 1395 | 1953 | 418 |
2 | 2583 | 1409 | 1973 | 422 | |
30 | 3339 | 1821 | 2550 | 546 |
Grade | Level | HP |
Basic Damage |
Special Area Damage | Basic Skill Base Damage |
L | 1 | 28239 | 3376 | 1841 | 2578 |
2 | 3411 | 1860 | 2605 | 557 | |
30 | 4408 | 2404 | 3366 | 721 | |
35 | 7099 | 3871 | 5420 | 1161 |
- Tiger Lily Cookie was seen as early as CookieWars' introductory cutsceneand even had a Jelly Walker appearance, which were both made long before her release.
- Her Jelly Walker version is also still not seen anywhere in the game.