Sonic.SGM is a retake of Sonic.EXE created by Mr_HammerExe. He is the main antagonist of the saga of the same name.
Like most incarnations of Sonic.EXE, SGM manifests in the form of a corrupted sprite of Sonic the Hedgehog. In his Faker Form, SGM looks nearly identical to the ‘Classic’ version of the hedgehog, albeit with slightly more brown eyes as opposed to them being completely black. In his Revealed State, he grows to twice his previous height, becoming more stocky and sporting a twisted smile, sunken (and more human-like) eyes, and his tail and spines droop.
From Nobody to Nightmare[]
While most of SGM’s early life is unknown, SGM was once a high-schooler named [REDACTED]. Even before committing his most heinous acts, he was a freakish, manipulative bully who would pretend to befriend others under the guise that he was a tragic victim of harassment, only to later backstab and ridicule them for his own amusement. He also fantasized about violence, using threats of such to ensure that no one would dare to try and stand up to him.
He would eventually amass a whole group of individuals that he would gradually manipulate and cause tensions between. Eventually, they caught onto his true colors and rightfully cast him aside. The effects of this spilled over into his antics, causing him to indiscriminately lash out at anyone, regardless if they’d previously crossed him.
After months of his hatred and anger over being unable to manipulate anyone else festering, he ultimately snapped. On Halloween night of 2024, [REDACTED] took his mother’s life by stabbing her repeatedly. He then took that same knife and a hunting rifle from the living room with him, but not before burning his house down. As his house began to burn, [REDACTED] fled into the night, loading the rifle with a round before going to the plaza of his hometown and opening fire on trick-or-treaters and other partygoers, stabbing or slitting the throats of anyone who tried to subdue him.
Instead of feeling remorse from hearing the screams of pain and terror he was causing, it brought him nothing but pure ecstasy. [REDACTED]'s killing spree caught the attention of the local police department within minutes, who immediately dispatched a group of officers. The chase led them to a video game/comic/collectibles shop, where [REDACTED] tried to cut through and flee through a back door, but was repeatedly shot through the back, collapsing near a glass case where the front desk was. But the damage had already been done. In total, he had killed 18 people (counting his mother), and injured at least 20 others.
Unknown to anyone, however, [REDACTED]’s soul would drift toward and become tethered to a 2019 Sega Genesis Mini contained behind the glass of the front desk. Among the console’s code of 42 built-in games, he would take the form of the company’s mascot - Sonic the Hedgehog, now resembling a stout, stocky, and uncanny-looking version of him. As such, [REDACTED] renounced his previous life and refused to move on to the afterlife.
Sonic.SGM - Part 1[]
The Sonic.SGM saga begins with this universe's version of Tom looking to relive some nostalgic memories of Sonic 1 and 2 on the Sega Genesis. After searching around, he finds a Sega Genesis Mini on sale in a throw-together flea market, and buys it for 10 bucks. After taking it home to his apartment and hooking it up to his living room TV, Tom begins playing the built-in version of Sonic 1. As he progresses through each act of Green Hill Zone, he notices several oddities in the game such as special stage rings not appearing, regardless of whether or not he collected enough rings, Dr. Robotnik looking constantly nervous during the boss battle, the capsule of animals at the end of Act 3 being empty, and a clone of Sonic stalking him from behind the waterfalls in Acts 2 and 3.
After completing Act 3, however, he's taken to a sunset recolor of Green Hill Zone with a completely original layout, and is now playing as Tails. As he progresses, the level gradually turns to a nighttime setting, and no enemies, monitors, rings, or obstacles appear. Eventually, he comes across various animals either fleeing to the left of the screen, or all standing in a line with thousand-yard stares before they too flee. He soon comes across this "other Sonic", who confronts Tails, asking him if he's "brought them with him". When Tails nods yes, Sonic(?) asks him if he wants to help him take "them" down, which Tails refuses, attempting to run off to the left of the screen before the game crashes.
Before turning off the TV, Tom sees one last message reading, "THIS HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN".
- His mannerisms are derived from someone his creator, Mr_HammerExe, knew for many years, but eventually cut ties with due to their increasingly problematic behavior.
- As such, Hammer refuses to disclose much about them unless necessary, though he clarified they had no intentions of nor showed signs of committing acts such as mass murder (or in this case, wanting to). But despite that, they were still not the greatest person.
- SGM is inspired by both Needlem0use (pre-reboot) and Mr. Virtual.
- Unlike either of them, however, he lacks any sympathetic and/or redeeming qualities and is far more twisted and depraved. He is an egotistical psychopath who cares for no one and enjoys what he does.
- He also draws inspiration from Jeff the Killer, specifically from Pastraspec and Slimebeast’s iterations.
- As opposed to most origin stories of these entities taking place in the 1990s/2000s, SGM’s takes place in the modern day, which is an intended subversion of that trend.